NATO: Too early for KFOR pull-out

NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer says that it is too early to pull KFOR troops out of Kosovo.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 03.06.2009.


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NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer says that it is too early to pull KFOR troops out of Kosovo. He said that the future of these forces would be determined in talks between NATO member-state foreign ministers to be held on June 11-12 in Brussels. NATO: Too early for KFOR pull-out There are currently about 16,000 KFOR troops in Kosovo, who, according to Scheffer, “will not stay there forever.” However, pulling them out now “would be too early, because it would constitute a risk to the progress made over the last several years,” Scheffer said in Paris at a meeting of the Western European Union, an institution dedicated to European defense. “All military and political elements should be taken into consideration in order for the right decision to be taken on KFOR’s future,” Scheffer said. One unnamed diplomat who attended the meeting said that “NATO is aiming for a phase-by-phase pull-out, in accordance with the assessment of the political situation” in Kosovo. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, left (FoNet, archive)

NATO: Too early for KFOR pull-out

There are currently about 16,000 KFOR troops in Kosovo, who, according to Scheffer, “will not stay there forever.”

However, pulling them out now “would be too early, because it would constitute a risk to the progress made over the last several years,” Scheffer said in Paris at a meeting of the Western European Union, an institution dedicated to European defense.

“All military and political elements should be taken into consideration in order for the right decision to be taken on KFOR’s future,” Scheffer said.

One unnamed diplomat who attended the meeting said that “NATO is aiming for a phase-by-phase pull-out, in accordance with the assessment of the political situation” in Kosovo.

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