KLA crimes court adopts Rules of Procedure; indictments next

Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers have adopted the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 28.03.2017.


KLA crimes court adopts Rules of Procedure; indictments next

KLA crimes court adopts Rules of Procedure; indictments next

The next step will be to raise and publish indictments.

A statement carried by Pristina's Albanian language website koha.net, cited by Beta, said that "overall, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence aim at enhancing the fairness, expeditiousness, efficiency, integrity and security of the proceedings before the Specialist Chambers, while complying with the Constitution and the highest human rights standards."

The statement, published on the court's website, notes also that the Rules of Procedure and Evidence "emphasize the protection of witnesses, victims and other persons at risk for their testimony or cooperation with the Specialist Chambers."

In its report, koha.net quoted President Ekaterina Trendafilova as saying: “By adopting the Rules of Procedure and Evidence in less than two months after their appointment, the Judges have demonstrated their outstanding knowledge, professionalism and a categorical commitment towards a robust, efficient and fair procedure before the Specialist Chambers. I thank all Judges for their coordinated effort and for their thorough contributions.”

The Rules of Procedure and Evidence will be available to the public after the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court determines their constitutionality, the statement said.

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