Police bust major organized crime group

A day after the trial for the robbery of a post office in Split, eight criminals involved in that robbery and other crimes in Serbia have been arrested.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 15.10.2009.


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A day after the trial for the robbery of a post office in Split, eight criminals involved in that robbery and other crimes in Serbia have been arrested. Besides being suspected of robbing a Split post office when robbers got away with EUR 2mn in just seven minutes, the eight men are suspected of a number of murders and armed robberies in Serbia. Police bust major organized crime group One of the suspects is Milan Mitic, who is currently being tried in Split in absentia. Charges were also brought against Strahinja Raseta, who died in December 2008 while trying to plant a bomb under Mitic’s car. Following a year of surveillance and a witness statement from Raseta’s father, the police finally decided to arrest the eight suspects for the spectacular robbery of the Split post office. Police Chief Milorad Veljovic said that the eight men were also suspected of several murders, armed robberies and illicit drugs and arms smuggling. “This is a very strong and well-organized criminal group, in a way stronger even that Darko Elez’s group. They are well known for robbing over EUR 2mn from a bank in Split. The important thing is that this will help us shed some light on a number of other serious crimes that happened earlier,” Veljovic says. The other suspects include Nebojsa Sarajlija, Milan Ostojic, Igor Markovic, Miroslav Lukic, Dragoslav Bajic, Bojan Jovanovic and Milorad Milovanovic. Interestingly enough, the Republic of Srpska police had earlier linked Raseta and Milic with the murder of Boris Govedarica, a hit ordered by Goran Elez, who himself was recently arrested. Raseta had also been suspected of the attempted murder of Djordje Zdral, in which Mitic is thought to have acted as his accomplice. Mitic is accused of being a member of a criminal group responsible for several armed robberies throughout Europe. It is speculated that Raseta and Mitic fell out over dividing the booty from the robbery of the post office. Raseta was killed while trying to plant a bomb under Mitic’s jeep.

Police bust major organized crime group

One of the suspects is Milan Mitić, who is currently being tried in Split in absentia. Charges were also brought against Strahinja Rašeta, who died in December 2008 while trying to plant a bomb under Mitić’s car.

Following a year of surveillance and a witness statement from Rašeta’s father, the police finally decided to arrest the eight suspects for the spectacular robbery of the Split post office.

Police Chief Milorad Veljović said that the eight men were also suspected of several murders, armed robberies and illicit drugs and arms smuggling.

“This is a very strong and well-organized criminal group, in a way stronger even that Darko Elez’s group. They are well known for robbing over EUR 2mn from a bank in Split. The important thing is that this will help us shed some light on a number of other serious crimes that happened earlier,” Veljović says.

The other suspects include Nebojša Sarajlija, Milan Ostojić, Igor Marković, Miroslav Lukić, Dragoslav Bajić, Bojan Jovanović and Milorad Milovanović.

Interestingly enough, the Republic of Srpska police had earlier linked Rašeta and Milić with the murder of Boris Govedarica, a hit ordered by Goran Elez, who himself was recently arrested.

Rašeta had also been suspected of the attempted murder of Đorđe Ždral, in which Mitić is thought to have acted as his accomplice.

Mitić is accused of being a member of a criminal group responsible for several armed robberies throughout Europe.

It is speculated that Rašeta and Mitić fell out over dividing the booty from the robbery of the post office. Rašeta was killed while trying to plant a bomb under Mitić’s jeep.

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