President exempts ex-Red Star head from criminal prosecution

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić has decided to exempt former Red Star Football Club President Dragan Džajić from criminal liability, B92 has learnt.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 16.11.2012.


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BELGRADE Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has decided to exempt former Red Star Football Club President Dragan Dzajic from criminal liability, B92 has learnt. A proceeding against Dzajic and his associates on suspicion of illegally obtaining around EUR 8mn from the transfer of players is currently underway before the Higher Court in Belgrade. President exempts ex-Red Star head from criminal prosecution Dzajic, football manager Ranko Stojic, former Red Star First Secretary Milos Marinkovic and Financial Director Vladimir Cvetkovic are charged with abuse of office and they could get between two and 12 years in prison. Dzajic was chosen several days ago to be a president of a nine-member working group whose task is to bring financial and sports recovery to Red Star. His return to the troubled club has been announced numerous times but it has been pointed out that the main obstacle is his trial. However, after a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic it was determined that there were no legal obstacles because Dzajic had never been convicted. Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights Director Milan Antonijevic confirmed to B92 that there were no obstacles but that the state should have waited for the verdict. “It is up to the state, which is involved in the issue, to assess whether this para-state body that has the state money at its disposal, should be headed by somebody whose name is currently on the indictment,” he explained. Criminal Code’s Article 110 says that an individual can be pardoned and exempted from criminal prosecution. The legal term for such an act is “abolition” but the Serbian laws and the Constitution only mention the pardoning. There were speculations in August that the president was ready to exempt Dzajic from criminal prosecution but that the former Red Star FC president said that he wanted to prove his innocence in court. Dragan Dzajic (Beta) B92 Beta

President exempts ex-Red Star head from criminal prosecution

Džajić, football manager Ranko Stojić, former Red Star First Secretary Miloš Marinković and Financial Director Vladimir Cvetković are charged with abuse of office and they could get between two and 12 years in prison.

Džajić was chosen several days ago to be a president of a nine-member working group whose task is to bring financial and sports recovery to Red Star.

His return to the troubled club has been announced numerous times but it has been pointed out that the main obstacle is his trial.

However, after a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić it was determined that there were no legal obstacles because Džajić had never been convicted.

Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights Director Milan Antonijević confirmed to B92 that there were no obstacles but that the state should have waited for the verdict.

“It is up to the state, which is involved in the issue, to assess whether this para-state body that has the state money at its disposal, should be headed by somebody whose name is currently on the indictment,” he explained.

Criminal Code’s Article 110 says that an individual can be pardoned and exempted from criminal prosecution.

The legal term for such an act is “abolition” but the Serbian laws and the Constitution only mention the pardoning.

There were speculations in August that the president was ready to exempt Džajić from criminal prosecution but that the former Red Star FC president said that he wanted to prove his innocence in court.

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