"Lion's Valley" fell

Taliban forces announced early this morning on Twitter that they had taken full control over the Panjshir region in Afghanistan, which was still resisting.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.09.2021.



"Lion's Valley" fell

As "Russia Today" reports, "Lion's Valley" was the last stronghold of the forces that oppose the Taliban rule.

As a reminder, the media previously reported that Fahim Dashti, a spokesman for the National Resistance Front (NRF) of the Afghan northern province of Panjshir, which refused to recognize the Taliban government, was killed in armed conflicts, Kama Press reported.

The news about Dashti's death appeared on the Twitter account of the NRF, TASS reported.

"With the heavy heart we can report that Fahim Dushti, the spokesperson for the Resistance front has been killed by the terrorist Taliban," the tweet says.
Earlier today, Dashti wrote on his Twitter account that Taliban fighters had been practically driven out from the region.

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