"What war? There'll be no war"

Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik says there is no reason to fear a war breaking out.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 06.02.2019.


(Tanjug, file)

"What war? There'll be no war"

During his interview with Voice of America, when asked if "older generations have reason to fear a possible conflict," he replied: "What a war, there'll be no war. The global development of the situation in this regard might possibly deliver something to us here, but these internal relations of ours cannot produce that kind of story. We are not lacking of the stupidity called terrorism - but a civil war, among the people here, is not possible," Dodik said.

He added that this was how he understood his own role - precisely to, regardless of the difficult political issues, preserve peace above all, and give people the opportunity to decide, but also that any escalation would be equally ruinous for all.

The former president of the Serb entity (RS) in BiH added that in the FBiH - the second, Muslim-Croat entity - "a story has been created that the RS is doing something bad around the clock."

"I don't think anyone here can nurture maximalist approaches. Some kind of story has been created, especially in the media in the Federation (FBiH), that the RS is working around the clock to do ill. By doing good for the RS, we are doing good for the BiH. Often I meet people in Sarajevo who congratulate us (RS) for making the highway from Doboj to Banja Luka towards Gradiska. There are also many who are now traveling from Sarajevo to Zagreb using this route, of course, and there is no difference. It's accessible to all," Dodik said, according to N1.

"We overdid it," continued Dodik, "in the consumption of both the foreign presence and a foreign ideology that was being imposed on us."

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