Balkan drug ring smashed in Austria

An international drug ring, mainly from the Balkans, has been busted in Austria, following a 9-month police operation.

Izvor: FoNet

Thursday, 20.12.2007.


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An international drug ring, mainly from the Balkans, has been busted in Austria, following a 9-month police operation. Eight individuals from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia, Albania, Romania and Austria, have been apprehended in the province of Upper Austria, say local police. Balkan drug ring smashed in Austria The majority of the suspects are men aged between 16 and 25, and the arrests were carried out between April and December of this year. The gang is accused of selling 10kg of heroin, 2kg of cocaine, 12,000 ecstasy pills and half a kilo of cannabis. The police say that the drugs came from the Balkans and were smuggled into Austria via Hungary.

Balkan drug ring smashed in Austria

The majority of the suspects are men aged between 16 and 25, and the arrests were carried out between April and December of this year.

The gang is accused of selling 10kg of heroin, 2kg of cocaine, 12,000 ecstasy pills and half a kilo of cannabis. The police say that the drugs came from the Balkans and were smuggled into Austria via Hungary.

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