Fire breaks out at Serbia's UN mission in NYC/VIDEO

A fire broke out in the building of Serbia's permanent mission to the UN in New York City on Monday morning European time.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 10.12.2018.


Fire breaks out at Serbia's UN mission in NYC/VIDEO
(Screenshot/YouTube/CBS New York)

Fire breaks out at Serbia's UN mission in NYC/VIDEO

The blaze, that started around 20:00 hours local time on Sunday, resulted in two offices burning down completely, Mission chief Milan Milanovic has said.

According to him, the fire was noticed by accident by one employee in the building and by passers-by, while firefighters arrived quickly.

Milovanovic said that the authorities found the fire was caused by faulty wiring, and added that the mission was insured.

US website the New York Daily News is reporting that three civilians and one firefighters sustained light injuries in the incident.

Fifth Avenue, where the building is located, was closed due to the fire that was put out a little before 22:00 hours.

The building, located across Central Park, has been under the protection of the state since 1966. It was built in 1905 by the same New York architectural firm that designed the Grand Central Station. The building is currently for sale for a starting price of USD 50 million.

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