Jansa reveals secret about Serbia's entry into EU: "Why? They are cheap labor"

During its presidency of the EU Council, Slovenia managed to reintroduce the term "membership perspective" in the documents.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 30.12.2021.


Jansa reveals secret about Serbia's entry into EU:
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/InkDropCreative

Jansa reveals secret about Serbia's entry into EU: "Why? They are cheap labor"

That term has replaced the previous term "European perspective", which refers to the countries in the Balkans and the eastern part of Europe, said the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa.

"One of the strategic successes (of our government) is that we have returned enlargement to the table as one of the key strategic projects of the EU. That required a lot of discussions," Jansa said in an interview with Slovenian Television, Hina reported.

In the traditional interview before the New Year, Jansa said that during those discussions he pointed out several times, looking at what is happening in the east and what was happening in the Balkans, that the EU should be clear that enlargement expands the "space of freedom and prosperity".

"We need to get rid of the illusion that things will be resolved on their own, and if the EU does not expand, then someone else will expand," Jansa said. Prime Minister of Slovenia said that at the meetings in Brussels, he achieved that the EU documents instead of the "European perspective" of non-member countries reintroduced the term "membership perspective", which, according to him, was opposed by some of the old members, the founders of the EU.

"Ukraine, or Serbia, has a European perspective because they are in Europe and will always stay there, but they want the perspective of membership, but it was difficult to write it down in the documents and we had to fight for that," Jansa emphasized.

According to him, one of the European leaders, whom he did not want to name, said during the discussion "why would we grant them access to the EU when they are cheaper for us as labor."

Jansa assessed that in some old EU members, "narrow-mindedness or nationalist interests" prevail over the vision of a free, peaceful and united Europe.

"The European project has not been completed yet, and many countries that would like to become EU members are not free yet. That project should continue, and enlargement is its essential element," Jansa concluded.

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