"Vučić to take over as prime minister on April 24"

Serbia's new government led by SNS President Aleksandar Vučić will be formed on April 24, the Belgrade daily Večernje Novosti said it had learned.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Tuesday, 25.03.2014.


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"Vučić to take over as prime minister on April 24"

Once new lawmakers take the oath, Vučić will formally receive a mandate from President Tomislav Nikolić to form his cabinet, "but will then promptly disclose his future ministerial team."

According to the article, until the official outcome, the leader of the Progressives (SNS) will through informal consultations with parliamentary parties decide who will join the ruling coalition.

The essential dilemma is whether to continue the alliance with Ivica Dačić's Socialists (SPS) or enter into a political pact with Boris Tadić and the pre-election coalition gathered around his party, the NDS. However, the daily noted, it is "very much a real option" that the SNS could form the cabinet alone, something the election result allows the party to do.

"The current pressure within the SNS is great for as many ministers as possible to come from our party. Literally hundreds of (party) officials have unofficially nominated themselves for one of the departments in Nemanja 11 (government HQ)," the newspaper quoted an unnamed high ranking SNS member.

This source also claims that "political feudalism" that characterized previous cabinets will be "completely abolished this time."

The practice means that parties have a monopoly on certain sectors, if the minister comes from their ranks.

After the state election commission announced the official results of the March 16 elections late on Monday, deadlines have been set for the constitution of parliament and government.

The first session of the new parliament must be held no later than 30 days from the announcement of the final results - i.e., by April 23.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić commented on Monday to say that the future government will be neither pro-Russian nor pro-European, but pro-Serbian.

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