Serbian official to return to Kosovo after brutal arrest

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric will on Saturday attend midnight Easter liturgy at the Serbian Orthodox Monastery of Banjska in Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 06.04.2018.


Serbian official to return to Kosovo after brutal arrest
Djuric's arrest on March 26 (Tanjug, file)

Serbian official to return to Kosovo after brutal arrest

On March 26, Kosovo authorities said they had banned Djuric from entry, while Belgrade cited agreements reached in Brussels, according to which Djuric was only under obligation to announce his visit, and backed it up by publishing documentation.

Now Ziberaj has told Albanian language website Gazeta Express that the ministry "approved" Djuric's visit - "in the spirit of peace and understanding on the occasion of the Orthodox Easter holiday."

He added, "Djuric like all believers has the right to pray in any church he wishes."

"He will adhere to the rules, because he is facing a new reality in Kosovo and all Serb state officials are acquainted with that reality," said Ziberaj.

After the incident in Kosovska Mitrovica and the brutal action of Kosovo special police, PM Ramush Haradinaj said that Djuric had been told "not to enter Kosovo on that day only."

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