“Tunisia won’t recognize Kosovo despite pressure”

Tunisian Ambassador to Serbia Majid Hamlaoui has told Serbian Deputy PM Rasim Ljajić that his country will not recognize Kosovo despite outside pressures.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 28.02.2013.


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BELGRADE Tunisian Ambassador to Serbia Majid Hamlaoui has told Serbian Deputy PM Rasim Ljajic that his country will not recognize Kosovo despite outside pressures. Ljajic and Hamlaoui assessed that Serbia and Tunisia had good political relations but that there was room to improve economic partnership and increase trade. “Tunisia won’t recognize Kosovo despite pressure” The Serbian minister thanked the ambassador for Tunisia’s principled stance not to recognize Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence and pointed to Serbia’s determination to find a compromise and a sustainable solution for the Kosovo issue through negotiations in Brussels that would guarantee stability in the entire region. The Tunisian ambassador said that Tunisia fully supported the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations under the EU auspices in Brussels, noting that the dialogue was the only way to find a fair solution for the status of Kosovo. Ljajic and Hamlaoui agreed that good political relations between the two countries needed to be accompanied by an adequate economic cooperation and increased trade. They added that economic partnership could be improved, particularly in agriculture, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and tourism. (sxc.hu) Tanjug

“Tunisia won’t recognize Kosovo despite pressure”

The Serbian minister thanked the ambassador for Tunisia’s principled stance not to recognize Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence and pointed to Serbia’s determination to find a compromise and a sustainable solution for the Kosovo issue through negotiations in Brussels that would guarantee stability in the entire region.

The Tunisian ambassador said that Tunisia fully supported the continuation of the Belgrade-Priština negotiations under the EU auspices in Brussels, noting that the dialogue was the only way to find a fair solution for the status of Kosovo.

Ljajić and Hamlaoui agreed that good political relations between the two countries needed to be accompanied by an adequate economic cooperation and increased trade. They added that economic partnership could be improved, particularly in agriculture, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and tourism.

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