“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanović has said that there will “certainly be new negotiations about the status of Kosovo”.

Izvor: FoNet

Friday, 04.06.2010.


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Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanovic has said that there will “certainly be new negotiations about the status of Kosovo”. “I don’t doubt that we’ll arrive at technical negotiations, and I’m convinced that we’ll also arrive at those main talks about the status,” Ivanovic said. “There will be new Kosovo status talks” Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks. According to the state secretary, it is very important that both sides realize the need for the talks and a reasonable solution. “The world slowly realizes how bad the solution for Kosovo is, bad for stability in the Balkans. That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,” he emphasized. “The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” Ivanovic stated and added that the ruling “would improve our negotiating position”. The UN's top court is currently deliberating the case of the legality of the Kosovo Albanian unilateral independence declaration under international law. The proclamation was made over two years ago, and has been recognized by 22 out of 27 EU countries and the United States, but has been rejected as an illegal act of secession by Belgrade. The UDI remains unrecognized by Russia and China as well, and Kosovo has not been able to apply for UN memberhsip. Now, Ivanovic says, “it is time that (ethnic) Albanians start thinking about the way out of the situation”. “They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying. Pointing out that “there are too many bad politicians on all sides”, Ivanovic stresses that “bad politicians in Pristina today have a thesis that their economic situation is bad because Serbia is not recognizing them, which is utter nonsense”. Their economic progress depends on political stability, “and there will be none if Serbia keeps opposing and they keep trying to impose”, said Ivanovic. Oliver Ivanovic votes during the recent local elections in K. Mitrovica (Beta)

“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks.

According to the state secretary, it is very important that both sides realize the need for the talks and a reasonable solution.

“The world slowly realizes how bad the solution for Kosovo is, bad for stability in the Balkans. That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,” he emphasized.

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” Ivanović stated and added that the ruling “would improve our negotiating position”.

The UN's top court is currently deliberating the case of the legality of the Kosovo Albanian unilateral independence declaration under international law.

The proclamation was made over two years ago, and has been recognized by 22 out of 27 EU countries and the United States, but has been rejected as an illegal act of secession by Belgrade.

The UDI remains unrecognized by Russia and China as well, and Kosovo has not been able to apply for UN memberhsip.

Now, Ivanović says, “it is time that (ethnic) Albanians start thinking about the way out of the situation”.

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

Pointing out that “there are too many bad politicians on all sides”, Ivanović stresses that “bad politicians in Priština today have a thesis that their economic situation is bad because Serbia is not recognizing them, which is utter nonsense”.

Their economic progress depends on political stability, “and there will be none if Serbia keeps opposing and they keep trying to impose”, said Ivanović.

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