Friday, 04.06.2010.


“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanović has said that there will “certainly be new negotiations about the status of Kosovo”.

Izvor: FoNet

“There will be new Kosovo status talks” IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

my dear k-albanian friends, why so nervous? =)

you cannot stop the inevitable!

it will happen that way, and you won´t be even asked!

so, if you "don´t see it happen" now, it seems like you´ll be quite disappointed one day, when it really happens.

but, I won´t feel sympathy for you, not for you little greater-albania-supporters.

there are enough reasonable Albanians, who will be much smarter than you are right now.

only a question of time.


pre 14 godina

“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Oliver you can forget the staus talk once and for all because nobody sees it happening.

You people are well known to steal land but NOT in Kosova. Serbs in Bosnia make up around 1/3 of total population and they want half of Bosnian territory.

Question is why do you need it when your population is decreasing?.

Oliver should know that prior to 1913 there was an Albanian state with four vilayets, an area of approximately 92.000km2.


pre 14 godina

There won't be any talks about the status with the albanians or let's say the citizens of Kosovo. Maybe you will have that talk with somebody else ?

But anyway even if talks would about to happend you will never see a solution where Kosovo will be under serbian rule or sovregnety.

But I say as long as there is albanians in Kosovo there will be no talks with Serbia. If I was a Kosovo leader I would close the border to Serbia and have no relations with Serbia at all.

It is US who is the real boss and US sayes Kosovo is and independent country and will stay so. In about 10-20 years Serbia will forget about so called status talks because Kosovo will be more devolpment than Serbia by then.


pre 14 godina

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.
Oh how you forget so suddenly how you and your people came from mongolia.

You are a new edition to Europe. Welcome


pre 14 godina

(PRN, 4 June 2010 15:26)
If you think that the US/EU will allow Kosovo to join Albania then it will happen when my great grandfather comes back from the dead. I am from Kragujevac and can tell you there are about 10 Albanians there so it just might be a tad difficult to return “it to the Albanian empire”.
I like the Serbian tactic of keeping the status quo – no progress in Kosovo for the last 11 years. However, an Albanian “Minister from Kosovo” was interviewed after the Sarajevo knees up and what he said was of great interest. He stated that the region should move on and “we should return to days as in the former Yugoslavia where people could seek jobs in other regions otherwise there is no chance of existing”.
Translation: “We Albanians are asking Serbia to let our people seek jobs in Serbia proper even though we still claim independence”. I could not believe what I heard but there it is; he has summed up the entire situation for the Albanians.
PRN, you keep on dreaming about “Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje” while we slowly push the Albanians back to Albania – no changes in 2011, 2012 but maybe something in 2030. Enjoy your hell hole called Kosovo prison camp because there is more chance of your Albanian empire coming back than Albanians looking for work in Serbia.

toke, 4 June 2010 15:30)
Pity you did not listen to that Albanian “Minister from Kosovo’ being interviewed and then you would have said “what improved trade”? ha, ha, ha. Keep up the jokes they are great!

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.
(Bekim, 4 June 2010 15:14)
You can’t because you’re not that important, but Serbia is!
(jr, 4 June 2010 16:38)
This is a logical statement, but there is no way in this world that the EU will permit Kosovo to join up with Albania and then have to deal with a large Islamic country in the middle of Europe. The EU looks at Turkey, which was a secular state until about 10 years ago, but now it’s turning into an “Islamic government”.
“The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now”. Absolutely correct, but no empire wants to admit it made a mistake until maybe 30 years after the event, as in the Vietnam war, and therefore the US does not want to admit it made a mistake in Kosovo and so this absurdity will now continue until the west runs out of money which will not be too long. You have to work in government to understand why a bad policy is allowed to continue its course regardless.


pre 14 godina

PRN, you really need to decide what type of extremist you want to be because your hallucinations contradict one another.

On one level you're all about giving K-Serbs shiny new tractors and apartments with indoor plumbing and allowing them to breathe the sweet air of freedom and democracy of Kosovo.

On another level, you're talking about breeding your way to be southern banks of the Sava and laying claim to regions with no Albanians in them.

So what extremist are you? The delusional Kosovo is the happiest-place-in-the-world extremist, or the ethnic cleansing Greater Albania extremist?

Or maybe you envision the Serbs riding their shiny new tractors back to the Carpathians?


pre 14 godina

"Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.
(Valon, 4 June 2010 18:52) "

I think the UN made it pretty clear a long time ago that Kosovo joining with Albania is not an option at all.


pre 14 godina

"Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.
(Mike, 4 June 2010 16:49) "

Well said Mike! Kosovo drew a line in the sand when they said nothing is acceptable except complete independence. There is no place to negotiate from there. I expect the IJC will say something to the effect that the declaration of independence was illegal and that some sort of autonomy is appropriate. This was offered long ago.


pre 14 godina

"status talks"???
Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.


pre 14 godina

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

This is a smart poltician. He is ignoring 70 countries, which make up over 65% of World GDP. Very smart Oli, hope all serb polticians are as smart as you are.Untill yesterday you were in bed with Thaci,Haradinaj,Ceku, etc... how soon you forgat Oliver?


pre 14 godina

"... new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary... it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,” he emphasized.

If Ivanovic say so that is a "done deal")))

Serbia has said that it will never accept Kosovo/a independence...so what is he talking about? That answer his concerns about "new status negotiation".

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” Ivanović stated and added that the ruling “would improve our negotiating position”.

He is not sincere on his comment because it was Serbia who apply to ICJ for an OPINION. It is Serbia who has said will not recognise the Kosovo/a independence even if ICJ rules in favour of Kosovo/a's independence.

Prove me wrong what I said!


pre 14 godina

Status negotiations are inevitable. The EU/US don't have funds to throw at the black hole "Kosova" is while Pristina is forced to take loans just to keep the budget in order.

I can sense much frustration from the Albanian side. When PRN starts talking about united Albania which includes Niš then he's not a happy chap. As soon as status negotiations begin, the independence experiment is over. I'm glad everyone is finally realising it's at a dead end and irreversibly blocked. There is no point continuing, even with Somalia's recognition.


pre 14 godina

The Serb people are stupid to believe this rubbish.It is pure disinformation.The Albanians were recognised by the West principally USA Who will make them talk?
Why should they? The Serbs seem to be DNA deficient in their leadership...Milosevic now Tadic..
You are fooling everybody with this nonsense!!

Mark Atkins (from the US)

pre 14 godina

I find it most interesting that the only people that have had to pay for their sins in the Balkans are the Serbs. And frankly, they've paid double. It seems as though the Albanians have successfully managed to cultivate an image of victimhood and noble resistance to tyranny on the international stage so far. Yet, clearly, their innocence is a fraud. Any person with half a brain and a computer connected to the internet can find volumes of information on the brutality and atrocities of the Albanians, especially the Kosovars. Their souls and consciences are about as pure as Osama Bin Laden's.

And now, ten years after having their supposed "country" practically handed to them on a silver platter, they think the whole world should jump on the bandwagon and recognize their little hive of scum and villainy as a sovereign nation. We might as well give recognition to warlords in Somalia, if we're going to go down that route. At least then, it would be consistent.

Flags and speeches do not a country make. And no matter how much Pristina insists on its independence, everybody knows it's just a dirty, third-world welfare state that depends on the support of taxpayers in other countries for its very existence. You know, taxpayers that include disgruntled people such as myself, who believe that America and Europe bombed the wrong side in 1999.

The chickens are coming home to roost, though. It'll be interesting to see how long this game of Albanian make-believe will continue. Hopefully not very long at all.


pre 14 godina

"So you can start celebrating you victory then.

The Serb neighbours of ours say that the International comunity that they are saving on their shoulders will win becouse of this.

This is not about Kosovo nor Serbia aperantly.
We are talking about civilise Westen intarnational laws that are protected by Gabon Niggeria Libya ect.


pre 14 godina

Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.


pre 14 godina

It is nothing new that politicians lie, but it is very remarkable how shamelessly they do this in Belgrade, considering the fact that not a single Albanian official will sit ever with Serbs together, bargaining with freedom. Is the Serbian people really so stupid or naive?


pre 14 godina

In my opinion, from someone from the west, it is obvious the balkans can't live with these ehtnic tensions. Just give North Kosovo to Serbia, let the rest go to Albania because an independent Kosovo in no way can sustain by itself, and to top it all off let RS and half of Montenegro go back to Serbia as well. Serbs untie with Serbs, Albanians unite with Albanians. Case closed. The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now.


pre 14 godina

"“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Unilateraly speaking :D

“I don’t doubt that we’ll arrive at technical negotiations,"
Too deep now ey?

"and I’m convinced that we’ll also arrive at those main talks about the status,” Ivanović said.

Sure almost as convinced as you will catch the generals who are wanted for genocide.

“The world slowly realizes how bad the solution for Kosovo is, bad for stability in the Balkans. That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,”

LOL what a small world Serbia is

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” “would improve our negotiating position”.

It would, should, could but as far as Serbias reputation with international law from Paris London Hague ect... just dont hold your breath.

Now, Ivanović says, “it is time that (ethnic) Albanians start thinking about the way out of the situation”.

Are you warning the Presheva Valley about something???

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

LOL, for sure why not forget that the Albanians live there all together, i mean there are churches to proove something right.... More delusions for the peace parade beaters.

Pointing out that “there are too many bad politicians on all sides”, Ivanović stresses that “bad politicians in Priština today have a thesis that their economic situation is bad because Serbia is not recognizing them, which is utter nonsense”.

Than proove tham wrong ;)
Its hard having criminals and liers at the same time. But slowly your last rats are getting old too. 7000 votes is all you could rob at this election, but yeah keep dreaming.

Their economic progress depends on political stability, “and there will be none if Serbia keeps opposing and they keep trying to impose”, said Ivanović.

Lol, the Great Serb Speech,
Serbia is as useless as it was, Kosovo has 3 other neighbours that in the last 2 years has improoved trade and stability.

At least i am happy to say that all this fabrications from a fake ministry are as loughable as the ministry and the people the ministry represents. 7000 phonys on 500 mil a year, and this pathetic clown complains about "bad politicians"?


pre 14 godina

"Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks"

Threats threats threats.

And we know that Serbs know also to act.

This is a state strategy. It is not a coincidence that Tadic repeats these threats twice, and then we hear the same from the defence minister, then from foreign minister, today from Bogdanovic.

Serbian camp is clearly in difficulty with the ICJ and this is the way they hope to influence somewhat positive opinion of ICJ and international community for their appetites.

But with the help of our friends?? we have less then 2,000 lightly armed men to protect us from this concrete threat...

What Serbia is doing to Kosova today would have done the same to Croatia if Croatia dodn't had a respctful fire power.

Serbia will annex the north and try to go further south if they can. This is for sure.

And the naives in Prishtina will do the same thing they always have done in the past: react in panic instead of pre-event (read build a solid deterrent force).


pre 14 godina

Dreaming is FREE of charge, and may act as remedy against depression.

As per new status talks there is a chance providng that you put on the agenda Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje in exchange for Leposvic and Zobin Potok.

After all I am not in favour of KOsovo independence but in United Albania and the reverse the maps back to 5th century AD. Going back to the roots is the best solution.

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.


pre 14 godina

Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?
(Daniel, 4 June 2010 14:45)

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.


pre 14 godina

He has a very practical perspective, including recognizing the number of countries recognizing the UDI and that there are bad politicians on both sides. The same position must be taken by Albanian leadership in Pristina. Most countries haven't recognized the UDI and politicians on both sides have made mistakes. There is only one solution that reasonable people would reach, status talks. This doesn't mean that Albanians won't get some of what they want, but it certainly means that they and Serbs will not get everything both sides want. At any rate, it's way better than renewed conflict. Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?


pre 14 godina

PRN, you really need to decide what type of extremist you want to be because your hallucinations contradict one another.

On one level you're all about giving K-Serbs shiny new tractors and apartments with indoor plumbing and allowing them to breathe the sweet air of freedom and democracy of Kosovo.

On another level, you're talking about breeding your way to be southern banks of the Sava and laying claim to regions with no Albanians in them.

So what extremist are you? The delusional Kosovo is the happiest-place-in-the-world extremist, or the ethnic cleansing Greater Albania extremist?

Or maybe you envision the Serbs riding their shiny new tractors back to the Carpathians?

Mark Atkins (from the US)

pre 14 godina

I find it most interesting that the only people that have had to pay for their sins in the Balkans are the Serbs. And frankly, they've paid double. It seems as though the Albanians have successfully managed to cultivate an image of victimhood and noble resistance to tyranny on the international stage so far. Yet, clearly, their innocence is a fraud. Any person with half a brain and a computer connected to the internet can find volumes of information on the brutality and atrocities of the Albanians, especially the Kosovars. Their souls and consciences are about as pure as Osama Bin Laden's.

And now, ten years after having their supposed "country" practically handed to them on a silver platter, they think the whole world should jump on the bandwagon and recognize their little hive of scum and villainy as a sovereign nation. We might as well give recognition to warlords in Somalia, if we're going to go down that route. At least then, it would be consistent.

Flags and speeches do not a country make. And no matter how much Pristina insists on its independence, everybody knows it's just a dirty, third-world welfare state that depends on the support of taxpayers in other countries for its very existence. You know, taxpayers that include disgruntled people such as myself, who believe that America and Europe bombed the wrong side in 1999.

The chickens are coming home to roost, though. It'll be interesting to see how long this game of Albanian make-believe will continue. Hopefully not very long at all.


pre 14 godina

Dreaming is FREE of charge, and may act as remedy against depression.

As per new status talks there is a chance providng that you put on the agenda Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje in exchange for Leposvic and Zobin Potok.

After all I am not in favour of KOsovo independence but in United Albania and the reverse the maps back to 5th century AD. Going back to the roots is the best solution.

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.


pre 14 godina

He has a very practical perspective, including recognizing the number of countries recognizing the UDI and that there are bad politicians on both sides. The same position must be taken by Albanian leadership in Pristina. Most countries haven't recognized the UDI and politicians on both sides have made mistakes. There is only one solution that reasonable people would reach, status talks. This doesn't mean that Albanians won't get some of what they want, but it certainly means that they and Serbs will not get everything both sides want. At any rate, it's way better than renewed conflict. Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?


pre 14 godina

Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?
(Daniel, 4 June 2010 14:45)

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.


pre 14 godina

"“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Unilateraly speaking :D

“I don’t doubt that we’ll arrive at technical negotiations,"
Too deep now ey?

"and I’m convinced that we’ll also arrive at those main talks about the status,” Ivanović said.

Sure almost as convinced as you will catch the generals who are wanted for genocide.

“The world slowly realizes how bad the solution for Kosovo is, bad for stability in the Balkans. That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,”

LOL what a small world Serbia is

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” “would improve our negotiating position”.

It would, should, could but as far as Serbias reputation with international law from Paris London Hague ect... just dont hold your breath.

Now, Ivanović says, “it is time that (ethnic) Albanians start thinking about the way out of the situation”.

Are you warning the Presheva Valley about something???

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

LOL, for sure why not forget that the Albanians live there all together, i mean there are churches to proove something right.... More delusions for the peace parade beaters.

Pointing out that “there are too many bad politicians on all sides”, Ivanović stresses that “bad politicians in Priština today have a thesis that their economic situation is bad because Serbia is not recognizing them, which is utter nonsense”.

Than proove tham wrong ;)
Its hard having criminals and liers at the same time. But slowly your last rats are getting old too. 7000 votes is all you could rob at this election, but yeah keep dreaming.

Their economic progress depends on political stability, “and there will be none if Serbia keeps opposing and they keep trying to impose”, said Ivanović.

Lol, the Great Serb Speech,
Serbia is as useless as it was, Kosovo has 3 other neighbours that in the last 2 years has improoved trade and stability.

At least i am happy to say that all this fabrications from a fake ministry are as loughable as the ministry and the people the ministry represents. 7000 phonys on 500 mil a year, and this pathetic clown complains about "bad politicians"?


pre 14 godina

"Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.
(Valon, 4 June 2010 18:52) "

I think the UN made it pretty clear a long time ago that Kosovo joining with Albania is not an option at all.


pre 14 godina

In my opinion, from someone from the west, it is obvious the balkans can't live with these ehtnic tensions. Just give North Kosovo to Serbia, let the rest go to Albania because an independent Kosovo in no way can sustain by itself, and to top it all off let RS and half of Montenegro go back to Serbia as well. Serbs untie with Serbs, Albanians unite with Albanians. Case closed. The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now.


pre 14 godina

Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.


pre 14 godina

Status negotiations are inevitable. The EU/US don't have funds to throw at the black hole "Kosova" is while Pristina is forced to take loans just to keep the budget in order.

I can sense much frustration from the Albanian side. When PRN starts talking about united Albania which includes Niš then he's not a happy chap. As soon as status negotiations begin, the independence experiment is over. I'm glad everyone is finally realising it's at a dead end and irreversibly blocked. There is no point continuing, even with Somalia's recognition.


pre 14 godina

"Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.
(Mike, 4 June 2010 16:49) "

Well said Mike! Kosovo drew a line in the sand when they said nothing is acceptable except complete independence. There is no place to negotiate from there. I expect the IJC will say something to the effect that the declaration of independence was illegal and that some sort of autonomy is appropriate. This was offered long ago.


pre 14 godina

"status talks"???
Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.


pre 14 godina

It is nothing new that politicians lie, but it is very remarkable how shamelessly they do this in Belgrade, considering the fact that not a single Albanian official will sit ever with Serbs together, bargaining with freedom. Is the Serbian people really so stupid or naive?


pre 14 godina

"... new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary... it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,” he emphasized.

If Ivanovic say so that is a "done deal")))

Serbia has said that it will never accept Kosovo/a independence...so what is he talking about? That answer his concerns about "new status negotiation".

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” Ivanović stated and added that the ruling “would improve our negotiating position”.

He is not sincere on his comment because it was Serbia who apply to ICJ for an OPINION. It is Serbia who has said will not recognise the Kosovo/a independence even if ICJ rules in favour of Kosovo/a's independence.

Prove me wrong what I said!


pre 14 godina

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

This is a smart poltician. He is ignoring 70 countries, which make up over 65% of World GDP. Very smart Oli, hope all serb polticians are as smart as you are.Untill yesterday you were in bed with Thaci,Haradinaj,Ceku, etc... how soon you forgat Oliver?


pre 14 godina

The Serb people are stupid to believe this rubbish.It is pure disinformation.The Albanians were recognised by the West principally USA Who will make them talk?
Why should they? The Serbs seem to be DNA deficient in their leadership...Milosevic now Tadic..
You are fooling everybody with this nonsense!!


pre 14 godina

"Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks"

Threats threats threats.

And we know that Serbs know also to act.

This is a state strategy. It is not a coincidence that Tadic repeats these threats twice, and then we hear the same from the defence minister, then from foreign minister, today from Bogdanovic.

Serbian camp is clearly in difficulty with the ICJ and this is the way they hope to influence somewhat positive opinion of ICJ and international community for their appetites.

But with the help of our friends?? we have less then 2,000 lightly armed men to protect us from this concrete threat...

What Serbia is doing to Kosova today would have done the same to Croatia if Croatia dodn't had a respctful fire power.

Serbia will annex the north and try to go further south if they can. This is for sure.

And the naives in Prishtina will do the same thing they always have done in the past: react in panic instead of pre-event (read build a solid deterrent force).


pre 14 godina

“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Oliver you can forget the staus talk once and for all because nobody sees it happening.

You people are well known to steal land but NOT in Kosova. Serbs in Bosnia make up around 1/3 of total population and they want half of Bosnian territory.

Question is why do you need it when your population is decreasing?.

Oliver should know that prior to 1913 there was an Albanian state with four vilayets, an area of approximately 92.000km2.


pre 14 godina

(PRN, 4 June 2010 15:26)
If you think that the US/EU will allow Kosovo to join Albania then it will happen when my great grandfather comes back from the dead. I am from Kragujevac and can tell you there are about 10 Albanians there so it just might be a tad difficult to return “it to the Albanian empire”.
I like the Serbian tactic of keeping the status quo – no progress in Kosovo for the last 11 years. However, an Albanian “Minister from Kosovo” was interviewed after the Sarajevo knees up and what he said was of great interest. He stated that the region should move on and “we should return to days as in the former Yugoslavia where people could seek jobs in other regions otherwise there is no chance of existing”.
Translation: “We Albanians are asking Serbia to let our people seek jobs in Serbia proper even though we still claim independence”. I could not believe what I heard but there it is; he has summed up the entire situation for the Albanians.
PRN, you keep on dreaming about “Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje” while we slowly push the Albanians back to Albania – no changes in 2011, 2012 but maybe something in 2030. Enjoy your hell hole called Kosovo prison camp because there is more chance of your Albanian empire coming back than Albanians looking for work in Serbia.

toke, 4 June 2010 15:30)
Pity you did not listen to that Albanian “Minister from Kosovo’ being interviewed and then you would have said “what improved trade”? ha, ha, ha. Keep up the jokes they are great!

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.
(Bekim, 4 June 2010 15:14)
You can’t because you’re not that important, but Serbia is!
(jr, 4 June 2010 16:38)
This is a logical statement, but there is no way in this world that the EU will permit Kosovo to join up with Albania and then have to deal with a large Islamic country in the middle of Europe. The EU looks at Turkey, which was a secular state until about 10 years ago, but now it’s turning into an “Islamic government”.
“The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now”. Absolutely correct, but no empire wants to admit it made a mistake until maybe 30 years after the event, as in the Vietnam war, and therefore the US does not want to admit it made a mistake in Kosovo and so this absurdity will now continue until the west runs out of money which will not be too long. You have to work in government to understand why a bad policy is allowed to continue its course regardless.


pre 14 godina

There won't be any talks about the status with the albanians or let's say the citizens of Kosovo. Maybe you will have that talk with somebody else ?

But anyway even if talks would about to happend you will never see a solution where Kosovo will be under serbian rule or sovregnety.

But I say as long as there is albanians in Kosovo there will be no talks with Serbia. If I was a Kosovo leader I would close the border to Serbia and have no relations with Serbia at all.

It is US who is the real boss and US sayes Kosovo is and independent country and will stay so. In about 10-20 years Serbia will forget about so called status talks because Kosovo will be more devolpment than Serbia by then.


pre 14 godina

"So you can start celebrating you victory then.

The Serb neighbours of ours say that the International comunity that they are saving on their shoulders will win becouse of this.

This is not about Kosovo nor Serbia aperantly.
We are talking about civilise Westen intarnational laws that are protected by Gabon Niggeria Libya ect.


pre 14 godina

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.
Oh how you forget so suddenly how you and your people came from mongolia.

You are a new edition to Europe. Welcome


pre 14 godina

my dear k-albanian friends, why so nervous? =)

you cannot stop the inevitable!

it will happen that way, and you won´t be even asked!

so, if you "don´t see it happen" now, it seems like you´ll be quite disappointed one day, when it really happens.

but, I won´t feel sympathy for you, not for you little greater-albania-supporters.

there are enough reasonable Albanians, who will be much smarter than you are right now.

only a question of time.


pre 14 godina

Dreaming is FREE of charge, and may act as remedy against depression.

As per new status talks there is a chance providng that you put on the agenda Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje in exchange for Leposvic and Zobin Potok.

After all I am not in favour of KOsovo independence but in United Albania and the reverse the maps back to 5th century AD. Going back to the roots is the best solution.

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.


pre 14 godina

"“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Unilateraly speaking :D

“I don’t doubt that we’ll arrive at technical negotiations,"
Too deep now ey?

"and I’m convinced that we’ll also arrive at those main talks about the status,” Ivanović said.

Sure almost as convinced as you will catch the generals who are wanted for genocide.

“The world slowly realizes how bad the solution for Kosovo is, bad for stability in the Balkans. That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,”

LOL what a small world Serbia is

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” “would improve our negotiating position”.

It would, should, could but as far as Serbias reputation with international law from Paris London Hague ect... just dont hold your breath.

Now, Ivanović says, “it is time that (ethnic) Albanians start thinking about the way out of the situation”.

Are you warning the Presheva Valley about something???

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

LOL, for sure why not forget that the Albanians live there all together, i mean there are churches to proove something right.... More delusions for the peace parade beaters.

Pointing out that “there are too many bad politicians on all sides”, Ivanović stresses that “bad politicians in Priština today have a thesis that their economic situation is bad because Serbia is not recognizing them, which is utter nonsense”.

Than proove tham wrong ;)
Its hard having criminals and liers at the same time. But slowly your last rats are getting old too. 7000 votes is all you could rob at this election, but yeah keep dreaming.

Their economic progress depends on political stability, “and there will be none if Serbia keeps opposing and they keep trying to impose”, said Ivanović.

Lol, the Great Serb Speech,
Serbia is as useless as it was, Kosovo has 3 other neighbours that in the last 2 years has improoved trade and stability.

At least i am happy to say that all this fabrications from a fake ministry are as loughable as the ministry and the people the ministry represents. 7000 phonys on 500 mil a year, and this pathetic clown complains about "bad politicians"?


pre 14 godina

It is nothing new that politicians lie, but it is very remarkable how shamelessly they do this in Belgrade, considering the fact that not a single Albanian official will sit ever with Serbs together, bargaining with freedom. Is the Serbian people really so stupid or naive?


pre 14 godina

"status talks"???
Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.


pre 14 godina

Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?
(Daniel, 4 June 2010 14:45)

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.


pre 14 godina

"Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks"

Threats threats threats.

And we know that Serbs know also to act.

This is a state strategy. It is not a coincidence that Tadic repeats these threats twice, and then we hear the same from the defence minister, then from foreign minister, today from Bogdanovic.

Serbian camp is clearly in difficulty with the ICJ and this is the way they hope to influence somewhat positive opinion of ICJ and international community for their appetites.

But with the help of our friends?? we have less then 2,000 lightly armed men to protect us from this concrete threat...

What Serbia is doing to Kosova today would have done the same to Croatia if Croatia dodn't had a respctful fire power.

Serbia will annex the north and try to go further south if they can. This is for sure.

And the naives in Prishtina will do the same thing they always have done in the past: react in panic instead of pre-event (read build a solid deterrent force).


pre 14 godina

He has a very practical perspective, including recognizing the number of countries recognizing the UDI and that there are bad politicians on both sides. The same position must be taken by Albanian leadership in Pristina. Most countries haven't recognized the UDI and politicians on both sides have made mistakes. There is only one solution that reasonable people would reach, status talks. This doesn't mean that Albanians won't get some of what they want, but it certainly means that they and Serbs will not get everything both sides want. At any rate, it's way better than renewed conflict. Given that Russia is stronger now than it was in 1999, it can only mean a worse conflict and potentially a creeping toward a more global conflict. Does anyone want that?

Mark Atkins (from the US)

pre 14 godina

I find it most interesting that the only people that have had to pay for their sins in the Balkans are the Serbs. And frankly, they've paid double. It seems as though the Albanians have successfully managed to cultivate an image of victimhood and noble resistance to tyranny on the international stage so far. Yet, clearly, their innocence is a fraud. Any person with half a brain and a computer connected to the internet can find volumes of information on the brutality and atrocities of the Albanians, especially the Kosovars. Their souls and consciences are about as pure as Osama Bin Laden's.

And now, ten years after having their supposed "country" practically handed to them on a silver platter, they think the whole world should jump on the bandwagon and recognize their little hive of scum and villainy as a sovereign nation. We might as well give recognition to warlords in Somalia, if we're going to go down that route. At least then, it would be consistent.

Flags and speeches do not a country make. And no matter how much Pristina insists on its independence, everybody knows it's just a dirty, third-world welfare state that depends on the support of taxpayers in other countries for its very existence. You know, taxpayers that include disgruntled people such as myself, who believe that America and Europe bombed the wrong side in 1999.

The chickens are coming home to roost, though. It'll be interesting to see how long this game of Albanian make-believe will continue. Hopefully not very long at all.


pre 14 godina

The Serb people are stupid to believe this rubbish.It is pure disinformation.The Albanians were recognised by the West principally USA Who will make them talk?
Why should they? The Serbs seem to be DNA deficient in their leadership...Milosevic now Tadic..
You are fooling everybody with this nonsense!!


pre 14 godina

“They can go no further, and we can ignore the fact that about 70 countries have recognized Kosovo,” the state secretary was quoted as saying.

This is a smart poltician. He is ignoring 70 countries, which make up over 65% of World GDP. Very smart Oli, hope all serb polticians are as smart as you are.Untill yesterday you were in bed with Thaci,Haradinaj,Ceku, etc... how soon you forgat Oliver?


pre 14 godina

"... new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary... it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia,” he emphasized.

If Ivanovic say so that is a "done deal")))

Serbia has said that it will never accept Kosovo/a independence...so what is he talking about? That answer his concerns about "new status negotiation".

“The first and basic thing is to get the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which I’m convinced will be on our side,” Ivanović stated and added that the ruling “would improve our negotiating position”.

He is not sincere on his comment because it was Serbia who apply to ICJ for an OPINION. It is Serbia who has said will not recognise the Kosovo/a independence even if ICJ rules in favour of Kosovo/a's independence.

Prove me wrong what I said!


pre 14 godina

"So you can start celebrating you victory then.

The Serb neighbours of ours say that the International comunity that they are saving on their shoulders will win becouse of this.

This is not about Kosovo nor Serbia aperantly.
We are talking about civilise Westen intarnational laws that are protected by Gabon Niggeria Libya ect.


pre 14 godina

Status negotiations are inevitable. The EU/US don't have funds to throw at the black hole "Kosova" is while Pristina is forced to take loans just to keep the budget in order.

I can sense much frustration from the Albanian side. When PRN starts talking about united Albania which includes Niš then he's not a happy chap. As soon as status negotiations begin, the independence experiment is over. I'm glad everyone is finally realising it's at a dead end and irreversibly blocked. There is no point continuing, even with Somalia's recognition.


pre 14 godina

In my opinion, from someone from the west, it is obvious the balkans can't live with these ehtnic tensions. Just give North Kosovo to Serbia, let the rest go to Albania because an independent Kosovo in no way can sustain by itself, and to top it all off let RS and half of Montenegro go back to Serbia as well. Serbs untie with Serbs, Albanians unite with Albanians. Case closed. The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now.


pre 14 godina

"Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.
(Mike, 4 June 2010 16:49) "

Well said Mike! Kosovo drew a line in the sand when they said nothing is acceptable except complete independence. There is no place to negotiate from there. I expect the IJC will say something to the effect that the declaration of independence was illegal and that some sort of autonomy is appropriate. This was offered long ago.


pre 14 godina

Well, Ivanovic has a good point. There's only so far Kosovo's limited sovereignty can take them, and I've yet to hear any concrete explanations by Kosovo's international supporters for *why* no new talks are useful, *how* Kosovo's borders are involate, and most importantly *how* Pristina aims to not only incorporate the K-Serbs in a "multiethnic" state comprised of 90 - 92% of a single ethnicity, but *what* they can offer the Serbs that the Serbs can't get on their own or from Belgrade.


pre 14 godina

“There will be new Kosovo status talks”

Oliver you can forget the staus talk once and for all because nobody sees it happening.

You people are well known to steal land but NOT in Kosova. Serbs in Bosnia make up around 1/3 of total population and they want half of Bosnian territory.

Question is why do you need it when your population is decreasing?.

Oliver should know that prior to 1913 there was an Albanian state with four vilayets, an area of approximately 92.000km2.


pre 14 godina

"Yes status talks should go ahead. The question is, should Kosovo be independent, or a part of Albania. But reunion with Serbia will only exist in imaginations.
(Valon, 4 June 2010 18:52) "

I think the UN made it pretty clear a long time ago that Kosovo joining with Albania is not an option at all.


pre 14 godina

PRN, you really need to decide what type of extremist you want to be because your hallucinations contradict one another.

On one level you're all about giving K-Serbs shiny new tractors and apartments with indoor plumbing and allowing them to breathe the sweet air of freedom and democracy of Kosovo.

On another level, you're talking about breeding your way to be southern banks of the Sava and laying claim to regions with no Albanians in them.

So what extremist are you? The delusional Kosovo is the happiest-place-in-the-world extremist, or the ethnic cleansing Greater Albania extremist?

Or maybe you envision the Serbs riding their shiny new tractors back to the Carpathians?


pre 14 godina

To start with Serbs who ought to go back there where they came from, Carpathian mountains.
Oh how you forget so suddenly how you and your people came from mongolia.

You are a new edition to Europe. Welcome


pre 14 godina

There won't be any talks about the status with the albanians or let's say the citizens of Kosovo. Maybe you will have that talk with somebody else ?

But anyway even if talks would about to happend you will never see a solution where Kosovo will be under serbian rule or sovregnety.

But I say as long as there is albanians in Kosovo there will be no talks with Serbia. If I was a Kosovo leader I would close the border to Serbia and have no relations with Serbia at all.

It is US who is the real boss and US sayes Kosovo is and independent country and will stay so. In about 10-20 years Serbia will forget about so called status talks because Kosovo will be more devolpment than Serbia by then.


pre 14 godina

(PRN, 4 June 2010 15:26)
If you think that the US/EU will allow Kosovo to join Albania then it will happen when my great grandfather comes back from the dead. I am from Kragujevac and can tell you there are about 10 Albanians there so it just might be a tad difficult to return “it to the Albanian empire”.
I like the Serbian tactic of keeping the status quo – no progress in Kosovo for the last 11 years. However, an Albanian “Minister from Kosovo” was interviewed after the Sarajevo knees up and what he said was of great interest. He stated that the region should move on and “we should return to days as in the former Yugoslavia where people could seek jobs in other regions otherwise there is no chance of existing”.
Translation: “We Albanians are asking Serbia to let our people seek jobs in Serbia proper even though we still claim independence”. I could not believe what I heard but there it is; he has summed up the entire situation for the Albanians.
PRN, you keep on dreaming about “Nis, Novi Pazar, Kragujevc Preseve, Bujanovc & Medevgje” while we slowly push the Albanians back to Albania – no changes in 2011, 2012 but maybe something in 2030. Enjoy your hell hole called Kosovo prison camp because there is more chance of your Albanian empire coming back than Albanians looking for work in Serbia.

toke, 4 June 2010 15:30)
Pity you did not listen to that Albanian “Minister from Kosovo’ being interviewed and then you would have said “what improved trade”? ha, ha, ha. Keep up the jokes they are great!

Serbia started WWI which directly caused WWII so why shouldn't Kosova start one for a change.
(Bekim, 4 June 2010 15:14)
You can’t because you’re not that important, but Serbia is!
(jr, 4 June 2010 16:38)
This is a logical statement, but there is no way in this world that the EU will permit Kosovo to join up with Albania and then have to deal with a large Islamic country in the middle of Europe. The EU looks at Turkey, which was a secular state until about 10 years ago, but now it’s turning into an “Islamic government”.
“The money spent over this for the past years could have built a mansion and paid for BMW for every resident in Kosovo by now”. Absolutely correct, but no empire wants to admit it made a mistake until maybe 30 years after the event, as in the Vietnam war, and therefore the US does not want to admit it made a mistake in Kosovo and so this absurdity will now continue until the west runs out of money which will not be too long. You have to work in government to understand why a bad policy is allowed to continue its course regardless.


pre 14 godina

my dear k-albanian friends, why so nervous? =)

you cannot stop the inevitable!

it will happen that way, and you won´t be even asked!

so, if you "don´t see it happen" now, it seems like you´ll be quite disappointed one day, when it really happens.

but, I won´t feel sympathy for you, not for you little greater-albania-supporters.

there are enough reasonable Albanians, who will be much smarter than you are right now.

only a question of time.