Gracanica officials condemn attacks on Serbs in Kisnica

Mayor of Gracanica Vladeta Kostic strongly condemned the latest attacks on Serb families in Kisnica near Gracanica, in the vicinity of Pristina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 06.07.2015.


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Gracanica officials condemn attacks on Serbs in Kisnica

"We are very serious about this issue, and we asked the police, whose representatives attended the meeting as permanent members of the committee, to increase their presence in this multi-ethnic village on the territory of our municipality, carry out a detailed investigation and find those responsible for the attacks," Kostic said.

During the weekend, unknown perpetrators pelted stones at the property of the Krstic family.

Snezana Jovanovic, the president of the local committee for public safety, stated earlier that similar attacks took place on June 29, and July 2 and 4.

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