Belgrade Assembly to open doors to visitors

The City Assembly building - the Old Palace in downtown Belgrade - will be open to visitors every Saturday starting in April.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 30.03.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

Belgrade Assembly to open doors to visitors

Visitors will be able to tour the building starting at 10 am, and at noon, she told Tanjug.

"It will be an organized tour with a visit to the hall, the Yellow and Red salons, the Ceremonial Hall and the balcony, during which visitors will be acquainted with the history of the Serbian ruling families - the Karadjordjevics and the Obrenovics - and all the gifts received by the city," Maljkovic said.

She added that visitors will also be able to go to the assembly's restaurant," where a well-known, historic special dish will be served."

"We have concluded that visits to the Old Palace are very attractive to our citizens and foreigners, and for that reason we will have both English and Serbian-language tours," Maljkovic said on Monday as "media professionals" were given a tour of the palace.

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