Police find another group of illegal migrants

The Serbian police have discovered a group of 15 foreign nationals who carried no personal documents on a highway near the town of Velika Plana.

Izvor: Blic

Friday, 27.02.2015.


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A file photo of a group of asylum seekers in the town of Obrenovac (Tanjug)

Police find another group of illegal migrants

The migrants also said that they traveled from Syria "on foot and using various means of transport."

Considering that all 15 said they wished to seek asylum in Serbia, they were sent to the Asylum Center in Sjenica, in the west of the country.

A day earlier, the police found 37 foreign citizens with no personal documents in a parking lot near the town of Smederevo. They came from Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, and Uganda.

Earlier in the week, a van packed with 54 migrants crashed in eastern Serbia, leaving more than 40 people injured.

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