Prosecutor: Jurišić will not be extradited

Ilija Jurišić, held in Serbia in connection with the 1992 Tuzla war crime, will not be extradited to Bosnia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 25.07.2007.


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Prosecutor: Jurišić will not be extradited

“Considering that Jurišić was arrested on the Serbian territory and that if found guilty he could face a jail term of over 10 years, irrelevant of the fact the crime was committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, there are no valid legal arguments in favor of his extradition,” Vučković told reporters.

Jurišić was detained on May 1 this year on suspicion that he committed a war crime in Tuzla when he took part in a conflict between Bosnian forces and Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) troops in May 1992.

The Serbian judiciary considers the case, known as the Tuzla Column, as one of the most serious war crimes committed against the JNA in the wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

On May 15, 1992, although the troops were withdrawing from the Tuzla army barracks under an agreement guaranteed by representatives of the international community, the Bosnian forces in town attacked the column, killing 207 soldiers, and wounding more than 150.

War-time Tuzla mayor Selim Bešlagić, another suspect in the case, was recently arrested in that town based on a request the Bosnian authorities received from Serbia. However, a Bosnian court later decided to release him from custody.

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