Serbian postal workers arrested in Kosovo

Serbia’s Postal Service Director in Kosovo Ranđel Nojkić says two postal workers carrying mail from central Serbia to Kosovo were arrested on Thursday evening.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 09.03.2012.


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Serbia’s Postal Service Director in Kosovo Randjel Nojkic says two postal workers carrying mail from central Serbia to Kosovo were arrested on Thursday evening. The two postmen were arrested by the Kosovo police at the Bela Zemlja administrative crossing. Serbian postal workers arrested in Kosovo Nojkic told Tanjug that the arrested persons were Dragan Marinkovic and Ratomir Trajkovic from the village of Ugljare near Kosovo Polje, adding they were remanded in custody for 48 hours. “The two Serbian postal workers were to deliver mail from Vranje to Gracanica, but they were stopped at the Bela Zemlja crossing on the Bujanovac-Gnjilane road and taken to custody,” Nojkic explained. He added that Marinkovic and Trajkovic were arrested for carrying telephone bills to the users of Telekom Srbija services in Kosovo, Total TV bills, and receipts of Serbian business banks. Nojkic explained that for years postal workers had entered Kosovo with this kind of mail without any problems, stressing that the arrests might be politically motivated. Tanjug

Serbian postal workers arrested in Kosovo

Nojkić told Tanjug that the arrested persons were Dragan Marinković and Ratomir Trajković from the village of Ugljare near Kosovo Polje, adding they were remanded in custody for 48 hours.

“The two Serbian postal workers were to deliver mail from Vranje to Gračanica, but they were stopped at the Bela Zemlja crossing on the Bujanovac-Gnjilane road and taken to custody,” Nojkić explained.

He added that Marinković and Trajković were arrested for carrying telephone bills to the users of Telekom Srbija services in Kosovo, Total TV bills, and receipts of Serbian business banks.

Nojkić explained that for years postal workers had entered Kosovo with this kind of mail without any problems, stressing that the arrests might be politically motivated.

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