New altercation between Obraz, anti-fascists

Members of the pro-fascist organization Obraz attacked Anti-Fascist Campaign activists after Friday’s rally in support of Roma living near the Belville estate.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 27.06.2009.


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Members of the pro-fascist organization Obraz attacked Anti-Fascist Campaign activists after Friday’s rally in support of Roma living near the Belville estate. The Obraz members initially kept their faces covered, then, once the smaller groups had dispersed, headed in pursuit of one of them, attacking them in a tram. New altercation between Obraz, anti-fascists One person sustained head injuries and was taken to the Casualty department. The attack has been reported to police, and the culprits were caught on camera in a clip that can be seen on You Tube. The first clip, filmed by Anti-Fascist Campaign (AFK) members, shows a group of 10 individuals congregated at a bus stop opposite Delta City, hurling insults and catcalls at those attending the anti-fascist rally. Among the most vocal are a dark-haired youth, dressed in a white T-shirt and black shorts, and a red-haired youngster dressed in black. Swedish journalist Sascha Fulscher, who was driving home from the anti-fascist protest, managed to record the actual attack itself. It can clearly be seen that the individuals filmed outside Delta City and those behind the attack were one and the same. Majda, an anti-fascist activist, told B92 that it was a miracle that one of her colleagues had got away with only minor injuries. In the footage, the young man can be seen lying helplessly on the ground, as the Obraz members lay into him. Yesterday’s incident comes just two days after another attack on AFK members as they were leaving the Philosophy Faculty at around 23:00 CET after a meeting concerning yesterday’s protest. Ten hooligans armed with lit firecrackers, identifying themselves as members of Obraz, attacked the activists as they waited at a nearby trolleybus outside.

New altercation between Obraz, anti-fascists

One person sustained head injuries and was taken to the Casualty department. The attack has been reported to police, and the culprits were caught on camera in a clip that can be seen on You Tube.

The first clip, filmed by Anti-Fascist Campaign (AFK) members, shows a group of 10 individuals congregated at a bus stop opposite Delta City, hurling insults and catcalls at those attending the anti-fascist rally.

Among the most vocal are a dark-haired youth, dressed in a white T-shirt and black shorts, and a red-haired youngster dressed in black.

Swedish journalist Sascha Fulscher, who was driving home from the anti-fascist protest, managed to record the actual attack itself. It can clearly be seen that the individuals filmed outside Delta City and those behind the attack were one and the same.

Majda, an anti-fascist activist, told B92 that it was a miracle that one of her colleagues had got away with only minor injuries. In the footage, the young man can be seen lying helplessly on the ground, as the Obraz members lay into him.

Yesterday’s incident comes just two days after another attack on AFK members as they were leaving the Philosophy Faculty at around 23:00 CET after a meeting concerning yesterday’s protest.

Ten hooligans armed with lit firecrackers, identifying themselves as members of Obraz, attacked the activists as they waited at a nearby trolleybus outside.

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