Vucic travels to Davos to attend World Economic Forum

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will arrive in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday where he will take part in the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 20.01.2016.


Vucic travels to Davos to attend World Economic Forum

Vucic travels to Davos to attend World Economic Forum

Vucic on Tuesday said that he will meet with "around a hundred" statespersons and investors, as well as officials of international financial institutions.

The response to the humanitarian crisis and the challenges faced by transit countries and countries receiving migrants will also be the topic of this year's meeting in Davos.

On Tuesday, Vucic announced his trip and said Serbia "has much to be proud about at Davos 2016."

“The world commends us much more than our successes are recognized in the country,” Vucic said, noting that "years of dynamic growth lie ahead of Serbia, and that no one could possibly stop the progress."

As the government announced earlier, Vucic will be in Davos January 20-22 where he will attend a series of discussions of world economic leaders, and be one of the speakers at the “From Migration to Integration” panel.

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