SPS to enter Vojvodina govt.?

Democratic Party (DS) Vice-President Bojan Pajtić says the SPS could enter the Vojvodina government, but only if it was a condition for entering the republic government.

Izvor: FoNet

Tuesday, 27.05.2008.


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Democratic Party (DS) Vice-President Bojan Pajtic says the SPS could enter the Vojvodina government, but only if it was a condition for entering the republic government. "We haven't considered involving the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) in the government, something like that could only happen if it was in a greater interest, to constitute a pro-EU republic government and constituting pro-EU governments in the vast majority of cities and municipalities in Vojvodina and Serbia, including Belgrade,” Pajtic told Blic. SPS to enter Vojvodina govt.? He expects provincial institutions to be formed very quickly, “particularly given that the composition of the majority of the provincial parliament is very similar to that of the previous one, except that that majority is now much bigger.“ “The priority will nonetheless be to form local institutions and parliaments at local level,“ said the DS vice-president Bojan Pajtic (B92, archive)

SPS to enter Vojvodina govt.?

He expects provincial institutions to be formed very quickly, “particularly given that the composition of the majority of the provincial parliament is very similar to that of the previous one, except that that majority is now much bigger.“

“The priority will nonetheless be to form local institutions and parliaments at local level,“ said the DS vice-president

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