Senator presents US position on "Kosovo problem"

US Senator Ron Johnson, who will be visiting Belgrade this week, says that reaching a solution to the Kosovo problem is not easy.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 10.09.2018.


Senator presents US position on
(EPA-EFE, file)

Senator presents US position on "Kosovo problem"

Johnson told Voice of America that the US wants to give space to Belgrade and Pristina to find a solution in Brussels.

"Once you reach an agreement, we will consider whether there is any concern, but for now we want to give space to Kosovo and Serbia under the auspices of the EU to find a solution. I repeat, it will not be easy, but I believe there is a sincere desire to find a solution," said Johnson.

He reiterated that the US strongly supports finding a solution to the Kosovo problem.

VOA is reporting that "negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia on the future of their relations are taking place in light of the idea of ​​delimitation, territorial exchange, or border corrections."

"Debates have prompted reactions in both countries, but also splits on the international scene among those who would accept such a solution if the parties agree and those who oppose such ideas due to the consequences that such a solution could have on the Western Balkans but also beyond," the report said, adding that Johnson assessed that such concerns are legitimate.

During the interview, Johnson also spoke about "Russian influence in the Balkans and the referendum on the new name of Macedonia."

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