“We will target anyone who attacks Israel”

Israel will strike those who attack its citizens and all those who support them, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said after a rocket attack on Eilat on Thursday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 05.04.2012.


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Israel will strike those who attack its citizens and all those who support them, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said after a rocket attack on Eilat on Thursday. He added that the Sinai Peninsula, where the rocket was fired from, had become a base for terror attacks against Israelis a long time ago. “We will target anyone who attacks Israel” A Grad rocket exploded near a residential area in the southern Israeli city of Eilat near the border with Egypt. No injuries or damage were reported, but some Eilat residents were said to be suffering from shock. “The Sinai Peninsula has become a launching ground for terror attacks against Israeli citizens. Israel will attack those who attack us and their backers, in this case as well,” Netanyahu stressed. In response to the attack on Eilat, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Thursday called the strike "a serious incident" and added that terrorism would not disappear any time soon. “The challenge of terrorism is not over and it will follow the current soldiers until they are old and grey,” Barak noted. Ron Gertner, police commander for the Eilat district, said that, according to estimates, "the rocket was fired from the Sinai area," adding that “investigations would continue in the morning, and only after their completion will we be able to reach any final conclusions.” Security forces found traces of the rocket near a building site in the Shahamon neighborhood early Thursday morning after strong explosions shook the city approximately twenty minutes after midnight on Wednesday. Security forces continued to search for traces of more rockets thought to have been fired toward the city from the Sinai Peninsula. "We're building a fence. The fence won't stop rockets, but we'll find a solution for the rockets too," Netanyahu said. Benjamin Netanyahu Tanjug

“We will target anyone who attacks Israel”

A Grad rocket exploded near a residential area in the southern Israeli city of Eilat near the border with Egypt. No injuries or damage were reported, but some Eilat residents were said to be suffering from shock.

“The Sinai Peninsula has become a launching ground for terror attacks against Israeli citizens. Israel will attack those who attack us and their backers, in this case as well,” Netanyahu stressed.

In response to the attack on Eilat, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Thursday called the strike "a serious incident" and added that terrorism would not disappear any time soon.

“The challenge of terrorism is not over and it will follow the current soldiers until they are old and grey,” Barak noted.

Ron Gertner, police commander for the Eilat district, said that, according to estimates, "the rocket was fired from the Sinai area," adding that “investigations would continue in the morning, and only after their completion will we be able to reach any final conclusions.”

Security forces found traces of the rocket near a building site in the Shahamon neighborhood early Thursday morning after strong explosions shook the city approximately twenty minutes after midnight on Wednesday.

Security forces continued to search for traces of more rockets thought to have been fired toward the city from the Sinai Peninsula.

"We're building a fence. The fence won't stop rockets, but we'll find a solution for the rockets too," Netanyahu said.

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