Minus 55 degrees recorded in Kamchatka

A record low temperature in Russia this winter has been recorded in the Kamchatka Peninsula, minus 55 degrees Celsius.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 08.02.2012.


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A record low temperature in Russia this winter has been recorded in the Kamchatka Peninsula, minus 55 degrees Celsius. Temperatures in other parts of Russia vary from minus 26 to 46 degrees. Minus 55 degrees recorded in Kamchatka The extremely low temperatures in Russia will continue during the course of the next week. According to weather forecasts, the western and central parts of the country will have the lowest temperatures next weekend. Meteorologists expect the temperature in Moscow to drop to around 32 degrees below freezing. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Russia was minus 67 degrees Celsius in the town of Verhoyansk in 1892. Extremely harsh winter has claimed at least 110 lives in Russia since the beginning of the year. While the cold weather is hardly newsworthy in Russia, the country’s media have been regularly reporting on a cold snap that has gripped Serbia, noticing that 12 have died from the cold and that many roads are blocked. Tanjug

Minus 55 degrees recorded in Kamchatka

The extremely low temperatures in Russia will continue during the course of the next week. According to weather forecasts, the western and central parts of the country will have the lowest temperatures next weekend. Meteorologists expect the temperature in Moscow to drop to around 32 degrees below freezing.

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Russia was minus 67 degrees Celsius in the town of Verhoyansk in 1892.

Extremely harsh winter has claimed at least 110 lives in Russia since the beginning of the year.

While the cold weather is hardly newsworthy in Russia, the country’s media have been regularly reporting on a cold snap that has gripped Serbia, noticing that 12 have died from the cold and that many roads are blocked.

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