Mufti picks Montenegrin town for "Sandžak's capital"

Islamic Community in Serbia leader Muamer Zukorlić has been quoted as saying that the town of Pljevlja in Montenegro "should be the capital of Sandžak."

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 22.11.2013.


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PODGORICA Islamic Community in Serbia leader Muamer Zukorlic has been quoted as saying that the town of Pljevlja in Montenegro "should be the capital of Sandzak." Sandzak is the name of a historical region, the area of which coincides with a part of northern Montenegro, and the Raska District is Serbia. Mufti picks Montenegrin town for "Sandzak's capital" According to the Podgorica-based media, the mufti - who heads one of the two rival Islamic communities in Serbia - spoke during a round table in a Pljevlja high school to mark the 70th anniversary of a session of the Anti-Fascist Council of People's Liberation of Sandzak. His views on the political status of the region "won him applause," these reports said. Zukorlic was quoted as saying that Sandzak was "given autonomy at the Congress of Berlin, when Montenegro was formally recognized as independent." He then explained that the region was "between occupation and independence," and advised "a compromise solution to be found." The mufti previously on several occasions stressed that "the Sandzak question" should be solved through so-called cross-border autonomy. He also often strongly criticizes the authorities in Montenegro for their allegedly discriminatory policy toward Muslims, and according to the media in Podgorica, discussed "these political topics" with opposition Movement for Changes leader Nebojsa Medojevic. Zukorlic announced that Montenegro would get the Bosniak Democratic Union party, similar to the one that already exists in Serbia. (Tanjug, file) Beta

Mufti picks Montenegrin town for "Sandžak's capital"

According to the Podgorica-based media, the mufti - who heads one of the two rival Islamic communities in Serbia - spoke during a round table in a Pljevlja high school to mark the 70th anniversary of a session of the Anti-Fascist Council of People's Liberation of Sandžak.

His views on the political status of the region "won him applause," these reports said.

Zukorlić was quoted as saying that Sandžak was "given autonomy at the Congress of Berlin, when Montenegro was formally recognized as independent."

He then explained that the region was "between occupation and independence," and advised "a compromise solution to be found."

The mufti previously on several occasions stressed that "the Sandžak question" should be solved through so-called cross-border autonomy.

He also often strongly criticizes the authorities in Montenegro for their allegedly discriminatory policy toward Muslims, and according to the media in Podgorica, discussed "these political topics" with opposition Movement for Changes leader Nebojša Medojević.

Zukorlić announced that Montenegro would get the Bosniak Democratic Union party, similar to the one that already exists in Serbia.

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