PM happy with measures against fake asylum seekers

PM Mirko Cvetković said Wednesday that the government measures meant to bring down the number of fake asylum seekers were "good".

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 25.05.2011.


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PM Mirko Cvetkovic said Wednesday that the government measures meant to bring down the number of fake asylum seekers were "good". However, noted the prime minister, "it is still too early to tell how effective they are, even though early data shows the numbers are going down". PM happy with measures against fake asylum seekers Cvetkovic spoke to reporters during a ceremony at the Horgos border crossing in the north of the country, which was presented with the latest generation mobile scanner. "To be sure, we need to see a trend and see if the reduction is seasonal or because people have been discouraged from going to the EU," Cvetkovic said and stressed that the government will penalize fake asylum seekers. The Serbian government recently passed a series of short-term and long-term measures in an effort to curb the number of asylum seekers from Serbia in the EU. Cvetkovic also addressed recent statements coming from one of his deputies in favor of a partition of Kosovo. The government has not considered such a move, he told reporters. Cvetkovic did not wish to directly react to the ideas voiced by Ivica Dacic, saying that he "cannot comment the statements of politicians regarding a topic which has not been discussed at a government's session". Mirko Cvetkovic (Beta, file)

PM happy with measures against fake asylum seekers

Cvetković spoke to reporters during a ceremony at the Horgoš border crossing in the north of the country, which was presented with the latest generation mobile scanner.

"To be sure, we need to see a trend and see if the reduction is seasonal or because people have been discouraged from going to the EU," Cvetković said and stressed that the government will penalize fake asylum seekers.

The Serbian government recently passed a series of short-term and long-term measures in an effort to curb the number of asylum seekers from Serbia in the EU.

Cvetković also addressed recent statements coming from one of his deputies in favor of a partition of Kosovo.

The government has not considered such a move, he told reporters.

Cvetković did not wish to directly react to the ideas voiced by Ivica Dačić, saying that he "cannot comment the statements of politicians regarding a topic which has not been discussed at a government's session".

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