Belgrade team chief on Kosovo talks agenda

Head of the Belgrade negotiating team Borislav Stefanović expects the new round of Belgrade-Priština talks to include the issue of Kosovo electricity supply.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 24.03.2011.


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Head of the Belgrade negotiating team Borislav Stefanovic expects the new round of Belgrade-Pristina talks to include the issue of Kosovo electricity supply. "We expect to discuss the issues raised during the previous round of talks, and we will try to reach a positive conclusion and close every one of them. We also expect several other topics to be added. It is very likely that one of them will be the electricity supply in Kosovo and Metohija," he told Belgrade-based daily Blic. Belgrade team chief on Kosovo talks agenda According to him, all issues are nearing good solutions, except for the issue of customs seals. “During the previous talks, Serbia's side submitted concrete proposals for solving this issue, which are in accordance with Serbia's position on the Kosovo status, but also with European standards,” Stefanovic stressed. "We suggested several options. We will try to find a solution which is both acceptable for Pristina, and in compliance with Serbia's position on the preservation of sovereignty, which will enable the flow of goods and capital. Serbia is ready for an agreement and a creative solution which does not question its Constitution and its position regarding Kosovo's status, and which, on the other hand, will be able to initiate positive processes in the region," the head of Belgrade’s negotiating team was quoted as saying. Pointing out that this issue would not be easy to solve, he said that Serbia's team expected to hear the other side's opinion, but also the proposals on all other issues raised during the previous meeting - the registry books, cadastres, CEFTA Presidency, air traffic and telecommunications. According to Stefanovic's expectations, a new round of talks will last one or two days, and the idea is for the meetings to take place every three weeks. "We can be efficient enough to complete the talks by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2012, although there are no deadlines, nor should we create artificial ones. There are many burning issues burdening the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija which need to be solved as soon as possible, while at the very end the relations between Belgrade, Pristina and northern Kosovo remain the ultimate topic," he underscored. Borko Stefanovic (Tanjug, file)

Belgrade team chief on Kosovo talks agenda

According to him, all issues are nearing good solutions, except for the issue of customs seals.

“During the previous talks, Serbia's side submitted concrete proposals for solving this issue, which are in accordance with Serbia's position on the Kosovo status, but also with European standards,” Stefanović stressed.

"We suggested several options. We will try to find a solution which is both acceptable for Priština, and in compliance with Serbia's position on the preservation of sovereignty, which will enable the flow of goods and capital. Serbia is ready for an agreement and a creative solution which does not question its Constitution and its position regarding Kosovo's status, and which, on the other hand, will be able to initiate positive processes in the region," the head of Belgrade’s negotiating team was quoted as saying.

Pointing out that this issue would not be easy to solve, he said that Serbia's team expected to hear the other side's opinion, but also the proposals on all other issues raised during the previous meeting - the registry books, cadastres, CEFTA Presidency, air traffic and telecommunications.

According to Stefanović's expectations, a new round of talks will last one or two days, and the idea is for the meetings to take place every three weeks.

"We can be efficient enough to complete the talks by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2012, although there are no deadlines, nor should we create artificial ones. There are many burning issues burdening the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija which need to be solved as soon as possible, while at the very end the relations between Belgrade, Priština and northern Kosovo remain the ultimate topic," he underscored.

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