"The era of pampering Kosovo is over"; Vucic vs. Kurti 1:0

The patience of the West for the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti, is running out, writes the Ljubljana newspaper ''Delo''.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 22.06.2023.



"The era of pampering Kosovo is over"; Vucic vs. Kurti 1:0

As it is added, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, won in this round.

In the text entitled "The era of pampering Kosovo is ending", it is stated that "Pristina has recently received more slaps than caresses from Washington".

The text states that the relations between Belgrade and Pristina are like an airplane on the runway that rattles, whines and shakes, but does not move, and that it remains to be seen whether the dialogue can be revived in Brussels, where Vučić and Kurti will arrive today.

The two will have separate meetings with the High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell. According to "Delo", the already strained relations only worsened when Kurti tried to appoint Albanian mayors in four municipalities in the north of the Serb-majority of Kosovo.

Despite the fact that people did not recognize their legitimacy and despite warnings from the West, according to the newspaper, Kurti directed the Albanian mayors to the municipal buildings to take office.

It is added that, when there is a struggle in the Balkans, "no one really cares about the calls of Western leaders for a peaceful dialogue", but that something has changed because on Wednesday Kurti addressed the Kosovo Serbs in Serbian, "a language he does not like to use in public and promised to hold new elections".

"In this round of endless arguments, Vučić defeated Kurti," the paper concludes.

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