Collegium to table Kosovo draft resolution on Thursday

The Serbian parliament's Collegium will hold a session on Thursday afternoon, which will table a draft resolution on Kosovo, Tanjug was told in parliament.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 09.01.2013.


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BELGRADE The Serbian parliament's Collegium will hold a session on Thursday afternoon, which will table a draft resolution on Kosovo, Tanjug was told in parliament. The Serbian government passed Wednesday the draft resolution on Kosovo and Metohija and a platform for political talks with representatives of the interim institutions in Pristina. Collegium to table Kosovo draft resolution on Thursday The platform will not be made public, while the draft resolution will be sent to the parliament for approval. The government unanimously passed two documents on Kosovo, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said, stressing that this showed complete unity when it comes to this issue of national and state importance. The starting point of the draft resolution is that Serbia does not recognize and will not recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, and its main message is that Serbia wants a comprehensive solution and will continue to look for one in a dialogue with the Pristina authorities, said the prime minister. Tanjug was told in the parliament that the parliament's session at which the MPs should vote on the draft resolution will be held on January 12. The Serbian parliament's Collegium is an operative body comprising the parliament speaker, deputy speakers, and whips, and its task is to prepare parliament's sessions. (Tanjug, file) Tanjug

Collegium to table Kosovo draft resolution on Thursday

The platform will not be made public, while the draft resolution will be sent to the parliament for approval.

The government unanimously passed two documents on Kosovo, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić said, stressing that this showed complete unity when it comes to this issue of national and state importance.

The starting point of the draft resolution is that Serbia does not recognize and will not recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, and its main message is that Serbia wants a comprehensive solution and will continue to look for one in a dialogue with the Priština authorities, said the prime minister.

Tanjug was told in the parliament that the parliament's session at which the MPs should vote on the draft resolution will be held on January 12.

The Serbian parliament's Collegium is an operative body comprising the parliament speaker, deputy speakers, and whips, and its task is to prepare parliament's sessions.

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