Politics 1



Vučić on TV B92: Serbs in Kosovo will not lose their jobs; "We waited a long time for the reaction of the EU"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was hosted on show "Focus" on Television B92.

Izvor: B92

Vučić on TV B92: Serbs in Kosovo will not lose their jobs; "We waited a long time for the reaction of the EU"
Printskrin/ TV Prva


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, commented on Pristina's new moves because, as he says, the fake state continues to close Serbian institutions.

"People in Kosovo and Metohija will not lose their jobs, they will have incomes and their earnings, they will support their families, since Serbia takes care of them. All those who were fired by Kurti were not left without incomes, Serbia took it upon itself," Vučić said.

He added that EULEX's behavior on the field was strange, and that the fact that the raid was carried out without the approval of the Prosecutor's Office did not change anything.

The terror against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is obvious, we have been waiting a long time for the reaction of the European Union, said Vučić.

"Big, tectonic changes are ahead of us in the world. It will be interesting that we will be able to see, and we will take care of our people in Kosovo and Metohija," he added.

He added that Albin Kurti shows nervousness, and that it is not the result of power.

He says that Pristina could not get Serbia's recognition, and that Serbia's victory at the United Nations would be much more convincing than they think. He points out that it is a matter of time when we will disclose the names of the two countries that withdraw the recognition of the so-called Kosovo.

"I will meet with many Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, primarily with representatives of the Serb List, representatives of all organs of Kosovo and Metohija, but also those who represent us in the institutions of the province, and we will see to it that we solve the problems of those people. Strategically, did they manage to get recognition of Kosovo from us? They didn't. They thought they would finish everything by 2015. We are still holding on," said Vučić.

He says that everyone is asking Serbia to recognize (so-called) Kosovo.

"We tell them - it can't be done. Then you wait, strengthen Serbia economically. Our economy must be an engine of development and an advantage over others," he added.

Izvor: TV Prva

About negotiations with trade unions in education

He points out that educational unions played a difficult game relying on the circumstances in the society.

"They got much more than they expected," said Vučić and recalled the announced increases of salaries.

He says that there is also bad news for those who will not work and stop working illegally, and that they will bear the legal consequences.
"When you receive state money, you have to think about whether you have returned to the state what you were paid for, not whether some politician told you that or not," he said and asked what the university professors did and earned in the past two months.

He points out that the crisis headquarters destroyed us in 2000.

He says that they are looking for answers from the institutions, and they will not talk to the representatives of the institutions.

"I understand the tactics that the CIA came up with through its branches, how to keep them from going to the elections... Why don't you talk to the Minister of Education, the State Prosecutor? They introduced the deinstitutionalization of the entire system," he said.

According to him, there is great nervousness in the world, and nothing will be the same after January 20, after the inauguration of Donald Trump.


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