Government to ask Hague Tribunal to release Mladic - report

The Serbian government will during its first upcoming session ask the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) to release Ratko Mladic to Serbia for medical treatment.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 30.08.2017.


Government to ask Hague Tribunal to release Mladic - report
(Getty Images, file)

Government to ask Hague Tribunal to release Mladic - report

According to the website, there is a danger of Mladic passing away in ICTY detention.

"Due to the serious health situation of the wartime commander of the Serb Republic (Army), Serbian ministers are determined to do everything that is up to Belgrade to act quickly and prevent the worst scenario," the article said.

Procedure-wise, following a request of the Serbian government, the Tribunal could ask for Belgrade's guarantees that would allow Mladic to receive treatment here.

In that case, Serbian ministers would immediately issue all the necessary guarantees to the ICTY, and Mladic would soon receive the most adequate health care in our country, Sputnik said on its Serbian language website.

Mladic has so far had two strokes and a heart attack, while doctors have also found that he suffered from the TIA brain disorder, which could lead to a new stroke.

He was examined by Russian doctors in The Hague in 2015, when it was established that he could "hardly follow the course of the trial."

The trial of General Mladic began in The Hague on May 16, 2012. He is charged with genocide in Srebrenica and persecution of Muslims and Croats throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina that had the proportions of genocide in seven municipalities, as well as terrorizing the population of Sarajevo by artillery and sniping attacks and taking UN peacekepers hostage.

Two counts of the indictment that covers the period between 1992 and 1995 charge Mladic with genocide, while the rest concern persecution, extermination, murders, deportations, forcible transfer of population, illegal attacks on civilians and taking of international hostages.

Minister to send letter

Tanjug reported later on Wednesday that Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic will send a letter to the ICTY asking that Mladic be provided with all adequate conditions for his medical treatment.

It is stated that the request will be sent considering that Mladic is seriously ill, "something that has been pointed out by the members of his family and his defense."

Tanjug was told at the Ministry of Justice that the ministry would also support the defense counsel's proposal to, if necessary, grant Mladic temporary release so that he could receive medical treatment in Serbia.

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