Abazovic: "I do not see a problem in holding new elections"

Dritan Abazovic said that he hoped that a new government would be formed soon, and if that did not happen, he did not see a problem in holding new elections.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 18.02.2022.



Abazovic: "I do not see a problem in holding new elections"

When asked by journalists why he is late in proposing prime ministers for the composition of the new government, Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister and GP URA leader said last night that the process of selecting prime minister and government formation is not easy in any country, calling on his colleagues to give ideas for solving the political crisis in the country, RTCG reports.

"It is a bad thing that we do not have a government, I hope we will have it soon. And if we do not have it soon, the mandate will be returned to the citizens, there is no problem in that," said Abazovic.

He assessed that the current protests are peaceful, adding that he does not see that they are too massive, and said: "Yes, that is our training for democracy".

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