Was Kosovo's flag removed from ceremony in Turkey?

A Pristina official has said that President Aleksandar Vucic statement about the treatment of the Kosovo flag in Istanbul on Monday was "not true."

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 31.10.2018.


Was Kosovo's flag removed from ceremony in Turkey?
(EPA, file, illiustration)

Was Kosovo's flag removed from ceremony in Turkey?

In his response to a question posed by Albanian language website koha.net, Zuberaj called Vucic "a criminal slanderer."

"The flag of Kosovo was there while the delegation of Kosovo was being shown the honors at the highest protocol level," said Zuberaj.

Vucic told reporters on Monday that he stood "about seven meters" from Hashim Thaci and Behgjet Pacolli during the ceremony, that he did not speak to either of them, and that the flag of Kosovo had been removed during the ceremony, at his request.

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