EU on Gen. Lazarevic: That's contrary to European standards

The European Union has reacted to <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the engagement of convicted war criminal General Vladimir Lazarevic at the Belgrade Military Academy.</a>

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 30.10.2017.


EU on Gen. Lazarevic: That's contrary to European standards
(Getty Images, illustration purposes, file)

EU on Gen. Lazarevic: That's contrary to European standards

"We expect political leaders to respect the victims of past conflicts and to sincerely promote reconciliation in the Western Balkans, which is essential for stability, a peaceful future and prosperity. Political leaders should lead all efforts to overcome the difficult heritage of the past and constructively initiate mutual trust, dialogue and tolerance," spokeswoman of the European Commission Maja Kocijancic said in a reply sent to the Pristina-based Albanian website, Beta is reporting on Monday.

The reply adds that Serbia, as a candidate country for EU membership, cannot be deviating from these principles, whereas the appointment of a person convicted of war crimes at the Military Academy is considered to be contrary European standards.

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