Vučić: Occupation must come to an end. We are the ones who choose the moment for that

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addresses the nation on the occasion of the elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 24.04.2023.


Vučić: Occupation must come to an end. We are the ones who choose the moment for that

Vučić: Occupation must come to an end. We are the ones who choose the moment for that

"What happened was the defeat of Kurti and his regime. What happened was more than that, yesterday the Serbian people showed that they are looking for a different approach from the international community, above all from the Western powers, that they are looking for greater respect, dialogue, and not imposition of the solutions," said Vučić.

"The elections in Kosovo and Metohija showed some good things and some extremely difficult ones. They showed us the electoral debacle of Kurti and Quint. This is a historic result, because something like this has not happened in Europe since the Second World War - 0.020 percent of people turned out. The elections showed a huge the unity of the Serbian people, discipline and responsibility that has not been seen in the history of our nation. The Serbs behaved as a very strong nation," said Vučić.

"Yesterday, our people clearly said in which country they live, they said who they don't want in the north of Kosovo, but also showed the world that they didn't understand anything, except for the fact that they never wanted to listen to anyone but themselves. I hope they will learn some lesson from that," said Vučić.

"A completely new political reality"

Vučić stated that yesterday's results represent a completely new political reality.

"They will have to understand the new political reality that Kurti did not understand. He thinks he will be able to rule with 400 votes of people who mostly do not live in Kosovska Mitrovica," said Vučić.

President of Serbia stated that the Serbs asked to be heard and listened to.

"When they put up the barricades, you thought they were put up by people with the aim of harassing honest Albanians. You didn't understand the message of the Serbian people from yesterday. The message is that we want our voice to be heard and that you won't be able to work without us. None of the Serbs want to return to the institutions because you kicked them out. You haven't heard the Serbs for 10 years, you've been talking nonsense for 10 years," Vučić said.

"We are here, but we do not want to participate in your circus"

"Yesterday in the morning the streets were empty, in the afternoon they were full. The Serbs wanted to show that we are here, but we do not want to participate in your circus. The main thing is the fact that we do not have an essential dialogue, what we get are imposed papers. When you tell them that something is happening in Kosovo, they say 'it's Vučić's nonsense,'" said Vučić.

"You lied and cheated"

"You lied and cheated. I could feel that you are cheating and lying. We will not support you in the Council of Europe. The only purpose Serbia serves is to fulfill your wishes. Yesterday, tectonic changes took place, only you did not realize it, because you never didn't want to hear the Serbs," said Vučić.

Vučić stated that now it is important to take care, we have to take care of our environment and the European path.

"We have to find a way to protect the people of Kosovo economically and politically. We will work on how we can protect the will and interests of the Serbs," said Vučić.

"Continue the occupation"

"I haven't made a decision whether I will go to Brussels on May 2nd. They do not have a clue... They haven't even read the elementary documents. We are waiting for the Serbian management team to present the plan. The Serbs said clearly - the CSM must be formed, but in accordance with 22 principles as it was signed. If you will not continue the occupation, enjoy it, but you cannot deceive and lie to us in the future. Everything went peacefully because the Serbs agreed that it would go that way, otherwise you would not have been able to enter the north of Kosovo and Metohija," said Vučić.

"A political uprising of the Serbian people took place"

"Yesterday there was a peaceful political uprising of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija who will not suffer cruelty, shooting and wounding just to get a word of praise from Brussels and Washington. I'm afraid that many people didn't understand that," said Vučić.

President of Serbia stated that a difficult period is ahead of us.

"We don't need any conflict with NATO, but we are not in a situation to allow further humiliation and attacks on our country. Nothing will be resolved on the 2nd of May. If it lasts for another 100 years and they blame Serbia, that's where we come to the hypocrisy we were facing", Vucic said.

"This is the introduction into a much bigger and deeper crisis"

"Our conclusion is that we will protect the position of our people, we will understand the messages of the peaceful political uprising of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, but what we will insist on is a real dialogue, as what you consider a dialogue is not a dialogue. We need a real conversation with the Albanians, we need to be on the European path, but also to have a real dialogue. I'm afraid that this is the introduction into a much bigger and deeper crisis in the coming years, those who never wanted to listen to Belgrade will be blamed for it," said Vučić during his speech.

"Don't try to deceive us. Stop deceiving the Serbs and Serbia and listen to what I am saying, if you are not able to do that, I am afraid that it will only be much more difficult for everyone," said Vučić.

President of Serbia thanked the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija for their patience and for the way they behaved during yesterday's elections.

"They showed that they are not a handful of oats and that they will not allow anyone to humiliate them," said Vučić.

"The occupation must come to an end"

President of Serbia stated that it is important to always look to preserve peace.

"This was the best example of the fake democracy, not only of Pristina but also of those who support them. This shows what darkness looks like for democracy, this shows how everything is allowed in order to humiliate the Serbs, but this also showed how the Serbs are a strong people who knows how to protect their interests despite threats that are neither small nor harmless. The most important thing is to preserve the peace, an occupation must come to an end, we are the only ones who choose the moment," said Vučić.

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