Ex-interior minister's son arrested for robbery - reports

The Interior Ministry announced on Thursday that a man whose initials are V.S., born in 1980, has been arrested for aggravated robbery.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 16.08.2018.


Ex-interior minister's son arrested for robbery - reports
(screen capture)

Ex-interior minister's son arrested for robbery - reports

Belgrade media are reporting that the suspect is the son of Serbian police general Radovan "Badza" Stojicic, who was gunned down in a restaurant in the capital in 1997 while serving as acting interior minister.

According to these reports, V.S. had robbed the house of Sasa Popovic, the owner of the Grand Production record label.

Tanjug is reporting that V.S. is also suspected of robbing a dozen other "elite buildings" - something that is yet to be verified during the investigation.

"In the past he was convicted to 18 months in jail for attempting to rob a villa in Dedinje in 2010," the agency said.

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