Patriarch calls for preservation of Kosovo covenant

On the eve of the greatest Christian holiday, His Holiness Patriarch Pavle's Easter message to the members of the Serbian Orthodox Church was read.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 26.04.2008.


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On the eve of the greatest Christian holiday, His Holiness Patriarch Pavle's Easter message to the members of the Serbian Orthodox Church was read. At the beginning of the Holy Week, the patriarch called on the faithful to fulfill their Kosovo covenant, "because Kosovo is not merely a question of Serb territory, but of the Serb spiritual being, because we were born, grew, lived and matured with Kosovo and Metohija as individuals, and as a nation. We have lived and died by the Kosovo covenant". Patriarch calls for preservation of Kosovo covenant "In these days of Paschal joy, in this time of divine mercy toward all and everybody, we cannot but remember the human injustice and violence of the mighty of this world inflicted upon our Kosovo and Metohija, our Serbia and the entire Serbian nation," the message said. "Having Kosovo and Metohija in our hearts and our unceasing care for our brothers and sisters and all those that suffer there, having a living Kosovo and Metohija within ourselves day and night, no one will take them away from us. The Homeland is the heart of man, says one poet. Within our hearts we have placed Kosovo and Metohija. We call upon all Orthodox Serbs to fulfill the Kosovo covenant in full, and that is the Holy Lazar’s testament," the Easter message continued. "If we complete that covenant no one will take Kosovo and Metohija away from us, neither in this nor that age, just as no one could have taken Holy Jerusalem from the Jewish people. We call upon all of you, beginning with politicians and scholars down to the most humble and youngest sons and daughters of our Homeland, that with their work and honorable lives we be deserving of and preserve Kosovo and Metohija before God," the patriarch wrote. Kosovo, the message said, is an integral part of every Serb's life. "Knowing this," it continued, "the creators of this historic injustice wished to inflict the deepest possible wound, and unspeakable pain and suffering on us". "Let scholars with their scientific work defend Kosovo and Metohija; let artists with their creativeness express the beauty and the essence of our Kosovo and Metohija; let athletes vow their successes to Kosovo and Metohija; let every parent have Kosovo and Metohija be a first word to whisper in his newborn’s ears; let every farmer dedicate his first hour of labor to Kosovo and Metohija; let every worker dedicate his first hour of work to Kosovo and Metohija; let every politician dedicate his first political thought to Kosovo and Metohija, let every pastor offer his first prayer to God for Kosovo and Metohija!," the message said. "Just as the Psalmist of old sings of the unjustly taken and destroyed Jerusalem, we too must sing in the spirit of the Kosovo covenant: If we forget you Kosovo, if we forget you Metohija, let then the right hand of the Lord forget me! Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not put forward Kosovo and Metohija as the beginning of my joy," the patriarch said. The message sent special greetings to the members of the Serb Diaspora in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Europe. "We greet and call them to unite in our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, that they never again let others divide them and make them quarrel among themselves." "We also greet our brothers and sisters in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia. We greet the entire Church of God spread throughout the world and among people of good will. We call all to peace, unity and a good witness before all those outside," the patriarch said. The message ends with the words, "Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!"

Patriarch calls for preservation of Kosovo covenant

"In these days of Paschal joy, in this time of divine mercy toward all and everybody, we cannot but remember the human injustice and violence of the mighty of this world inflicted upon our Kosovo and Metohija, our Serbia and the entire Serbian nation," the message said.

"Having Kosovo and Metohija in our hearts and our unceasing care for our brothers and sisters and all those that suffer there, having a living Kosovo and Metohija within ourselves day and night, no one will take them away from us. The Homeland is the heart of man, says one poet. Within our hearts we have placed Kosovo and Metohija. We call upon all Orthodox Serbs to fulfill the Kosovo covenant in full, and that is the Holy Lazar’s testament," the Easter message continued.

"If we complete that covenant no one will take Kosovo and Metohija away from us, neither in this nor that age, just as no one could have taken Holy Jerusalem from the Jewish people. We call upon all of you, beginning with politicians and scholars down to the most humble and youngest sons and daughters of our Homeland, that with their work and honorable lives we be deserving of and preserve Kosovo and Metohija before God," the patriarch wrote.

Kosovo, the message said, is an integral part of every Serb's life.

"Knowing this," it continued, "the creators of this historic injustice wished to inflict the deepest possible wound, and unspeakable pain and suffering on us".

"Let scholars with their scientific work defend Kosovo and Metohija; let artists with their creativeness express the beauty and the essence of our Kosovo and Metohija; let athletes vow their successes to Kosovo and Metohija; let every parent have Kosovo and Metohija be a first word to whisper in his newborn’s ears; let every farmer dedicate his first hour of labor to Kosovo and Metohija; let every worker dedicate his first hour of work to Kosovo and Metohija; let every politician dedicate his first political thought to Kosovo and Metohija, let every pastor offer his first prayer to God for Kosovo and Metohija!," the message said.

"Just as the Psalmist of old sings of the unjustly taken and destroyed Jerusalem, we too must sing in the spirit of the Kosovo covenant: If we forget you Kosovo, if we forget you Metohija, let then the right hand of the Lord forget me! Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not put forward Kosovo and Metohija as the beginning of my joy," the patriarch said.

The message sent special greetings to the members of the Serb Diaspora in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Europe.

"We greet and call them to unite in our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, that they never again let others divide them and make them quarrel among themselves."

"We also greet our brothers and sisters in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia. We greet the entire Church of God spread throughout the world and among people of good will. We call all to peace, unity and a good witness before all those outside," the patriarch said.

The message ends with the words, "Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!"

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