"Some say Tirana Platform condemns Serbian army"

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev has defended <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2017&mm=02&dd=27&nav_id=100619" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the Tirana Platform</a> of ethnic Albanian parties in Macedonia to form a government with his party.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 06.03.2017.



"Some say Tirana Platform condemns Serbian army"

"Some allude to these being Serbian armies, some that they were German, Italian or Bulgarian, during fascism and the Second Balkan War. However, condemning armies that killed civilians is nothing terrible," said Zaev.

He said the "excuse that someone wants to harm Macedonia" was "truly unfounded."

"They justify the reason by saying that this declaration was signed in Tirana. The declaration was made in Macedonia as part of their pre-election programs, but they met in Albania so that all parties of the Albanian bloc were gathered in one place," said the leader of the SDSM.

HRT said that - regarding the political crisis in Macedonia, "which began after President Gjorge Ivanov refused to grant a mandate to form a government to Zaev, who had confirmed support in parliament after the recent elections" - Zaev said he "nevertheless does not expect violence and conflicts."

"Everyone is afraid of that, but I am convinced that this will not happen. If that was supposed to happen, it would have happen much earlier. We arrived to this through negotiations. I am happy and proud that we removed the regime from power with a pen and a vote. Blood doesn't have to shed for the regime to fall," said Zaev.

He also described the situation in his country as "utterly absurd":

"I believe this is a temporary situation, because the world's laughing at us. Democracy does not know this, this is so contradictory that you cannot explain it to anybody. Receiving a mandates could mean that we may not be able to put together a government, but with 67 of the 120 MPs we have the right to get a chance."

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