Šarić gang member arrested, released

Duško Vuković, suspected of participating in the smuggling of more than two tons of cocaine, surrendered to police in Montenegro on Friday.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 12.02.2010.


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Dusko Vukovic, suspected of participating in the smuggling of more than two tons of cocaine, surrendered to police in Montenegro on Friday. According to Podgorica's TV Vijesti, the suspected member of Darko Saric's gang "surrendered" in the town of Berane. However, reports said later today that Vukovic gave his statement to the police, and was then set free. Saric gang member arrested, released Authorities in Montenegro said that any possible further measures against him would be undertaken in line with the law, after communication with countries that are looking for the suspect, and according to Montenegro's obligations toward Interpol. B92 has unofficially learned that Vukovic is wanted in Serbia, Argentina and Denmark. According to Radio Free Europe, police in Berane are also searching for Boris Laban. He has been in touch with police and negotiations about his surrender are under way, TV Vijesti reported unofficially. Vukovic and Laban were questioned by local police two months ago, but were not detained, since there were no international warrant for their arrest at the time, reports said this Friday.

Šarić gang member arrested, released

Authorities in Montenegro said that any possible further measures against him would be undertaken in line with the law, after communication with countries that are looking for the suspect, and according to Montenegro's obligations toward Interpol.

B92 has unofficially learned that Vuković is wanted in Serbia, Argentina and Denmark.

According to Radio Free Europe, police in Berane are also searching for Boris Laban. He has been in touch with police and negotiations about his surrender are under way, TV Vijesti reported unofficially.

Vuković and Laban were questioned by local police two months ago, but were not detained, since there were no international warrant for their arrest at the time, reports said this Friday.

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