Vucic invites Putin to visit Serbia

President Aleksandar Vucic has congratulated Russia's national holiday, Russia Day, to President Vladimir Putin.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 13.06.2017.


Vucic invites Putin to visit Serbia
(Tanjug, file)

Vucic invites Putin to visit Serbia

"I am convinced that the traditionally friendly relations, which are characterized by openness, reliability and a strategic partnership, will develop successfully in the future in the interest of our peoples and their prosperity," Vucic said.

He added that Serbia highly appreciates and is grateful to Russia for the help in resolving the Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija) issue, and in the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, describing Russia's support to Serbia's diplomatic battle as "immeasurable."

"I take this opportunity to, once again, express my particular appreciation, and invite you to visit the Republic of Serbia, where you are always a welcome and gladly received guest," Vucic said in his congratulatory message.

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