President says he "won't interfere" in SNS election list

So far, the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) has been "a fair partner" to the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) in the government, says President Tomislav Nikolic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 10.02.2016.


President says he
(Tanjug, file)

President says he "won't interfere" in SNS election list

Nikolic reiterated that he wants the SNS to stay in power after elections but, asked if he would like the party's coalition with the SPS to also continue, he responded that it would be "impossible to form a government without a coalition, and that would not be too wise, either - it's not good that all the parties except one are in opposition," the Blic website reported.

Nikolic added he was not interfering in the composition of the government or the SNS list of of candidates for the future assembly, denying there was any such thing as his "quota."

"As I do not interfere in the composition of the government, so I do not interfere in the list of deputies, I did not interfere in 2014, and won't in 2016, either," the president said.

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