Justice Ministry prepares draft anti-corruption strategy

The Serbian Justice Ministry has made a first working version of the Anti-Corruption Strategy zero tolerance towards corruption.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.12.2012.


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BELGRADE The Serbian Justice Ministry has made a first working version of the Anti-Corruption Strategy zero tolerance towards corruption. The ministry has forwarded it to the relevant ministries to get their opinions and comments, Tanjug has learnt at the ministry. Justice Ministry prepares draft anti-corruption strategy After receiving answers, the working group will consider suggestions and make the strategy for the fight against corruption in the next three years. Following that, an action plan for the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy will be completed. The working version sets future goals based on the current situation in the society. The document envisages additional competences of the Anti-Corruption Council which will be granted an oversight role in the implementation process. The Council should submit annual reports to the Serbian government and parliament. The working version of the strategy recommends that the Anti-Corruption Agency should be given broader powers to investigate incorrect registers of officials' assets and discrepancy between their income and assets. Every ministry will have a contact person who will put forward a report to the Council, and receive recommendations from it for implementing anti-corruption measures. Among other issues, the document also lists the problem of non-transparent ownership in the media, proposing the passage of a law that would regulate that aspect. It is also necessary to regulate media financing and advertising. The working document also envisages the drafting of a law on the protection of whistle-blowers that should get the protected witness status in criminal proceedings. The strategy also recommends a law that would regulate the compensation of damage suffered due to corruption. The combat against corruption is planned in other domains such as education, sports, judiciary, police, urban planning, public procurements etc. Tanjug

Justice Ministry prepares draft anti-corruption strategy

After receiving answers, the working group will consider suggestions and make the strategy for the fight against corruption in the next three years.

Following that, an action plan for the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy will be completed. The working version sets future goals based on the current situation in the society.

The document envisages additional competences of the Anti-Corruption Council which will be granted an oversight role in the implementation process. The Council should submit annual reports to the Serbian government and parliament.

The working version of the strategy recommends that the Anti-Corruption Agency should be given broader powers to investigate incorrect registers of officials' assets and discrepancy between their income and assets.

Every ministry will have a contact person who will put forward a report to the Council, and receive recommendations from it for implementing anti-corruption measures.

Among other issues, the document also lists the problem of non-transparent ownership in the media, proposing the passage of a law that would regulate that aspect. It is also necessary to regulate media financing and advertising.

The working document also envisages the drafting of a law on the protection of whistle-blowers that should get the protected witness status in criminal proceedings.

The strategy also recommends a law that would regulate the compensation of damage suffered due to corruption.

The combat against corruption is planned in other domains such as education, sports, judiciary, police, urban planning, public procurements etc.

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