PM satisfied with deal, says platform is "no Bible"

PM Ivica Dačić said Thursday he was satisfied with the implementation of the agreement on integrated crossings management.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 20.12.2012.


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BELGRADE PM Ivica Dacic said Thursday he was satisfied with the implementation of the agreement on integrated crossings management. At the same time he noted that "the things he agreed on with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci" were being respected. PM satisfied with deal, says platform is "no Bible" He said that at the crossings between Kosovo and central Serbia no customs duties were being charged on goods headed to northern Kosovo, but that the quantity of certain excise goods was limited. Dacic said technical groups would continue trying to work out ways to divide revenue from customs and other charges on January 10. Dacic told reporters in the Belgrade neighborhood of Zeleznik that his next meeting with Ashton and Taci would take place on January 17 and that in the next six months, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would include the issue of parallelism of institutions in Pristina and in northern Kosovo. "It has become apparent that the issue of parallelism of institutions needs to be resolved, but that, at the same time, Serbs in the north are something special compared to other parts of Kosovo," he said adding that the Serbian side had to be ready to discuss this. Asked whether the text of the Serbian platform for Kosovo which appeared in the Belgrade press on Thursday was authentic, Dacic said the parliament had not yet passed any document. "The platform is not the Bible and it still needs to be discussed with many interested parties. It is not our goal to adopt documents and ideas that will be impossible to achieve," he said. The ongoing talks on the draft platform are talks about possible solutions in a situation where Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, but issues such as parallelism of institutions in northern Kosovo need to be resolved, noted Dacic. He clarified that he thought "the subject of parallelism" meant "resolving the question of whether the institutions (in northern Kosovo) are those of Serbia or of Serbs in Kosovo". "Talks are ongoing about what could be a solution on the conditions that Serbia will not change its position on the status of Kosovo, but in such a way as to avoid the parallelism of institutions - so that they are acceptable both for Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo." Dacic at the same time noted that "there is the question of whether it is currently realistic to discuss a lasting solution of the Kosovo issue". (Tanjug, file) Beta Tanjug

PM satisfied with deal, says platform is "no Bible"

He said that at the crossings between Kosovo and central Serbia no customs duties were being charged on goods headed to northern Kosovo, but that the quantity of certain excise goods was limited.

Dačić said technical groups would continue trying to work out ways to divide revenue from customs and other charges on January 10.

Dačić told reporters in the Belgrade neighborhood of Zeleznik that his next meeting with Ashton and Taci would take place on January 17 and that in the next six months, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would include the issue of parallelism of institutions in Pristina and in northern Kosovo.

"It has become apparent that the issue of parallelism of institutions needs to be resolved, but that, at the same time, Serbs in the north are something special compared to other parts of Kosovo," he said adding that the Serbian side had to be ready to discuss this.

Asked whether the text of the Serbian platform for Kosovo which appeared in the Belgrade press on Thursday was authentic, Dačić said the parliament had not yet passed any document.

"The platform is not the Bible and it still needs to be discussed with many interested parties. It is not our goal to adopt documents and ideas that will be impossible to achieve," he said.

The ongoing talks on the draft platform are talks about possible solutions in a situation where Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, but issues such as parallelism of institutions in northern Kosovo need to be resolved, noted Dačić.

He clarified that he thought "the subject of parallelism" meant "resolving the question of whether the institutions (in northern Kosovo) are those of Serbia or of Serbs in Kosovo".

"Talks are ongoing about what could be a solution on the conditions that Serbia will not change its position on the status of Kosovo, but in such a way as to avoid the parallelism of institutions - so that they are acceptable both for Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo."

Dačić at the same time noted that "there is the question of whether it is currently realistic to discuss a lasting solution of the Kosovo issue".

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