Urgent order: Leave immediately

The United Kingdom may not be able to continue evacuating its nationals from Sudan once the ceasefire ends and has therefore urged them to evacuate immediately.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.04.2023.


Urgent order: Leave immediately

Urgent order: Leave immediately

As British Foreign Minister James Cleverly said today to Sky News television, after the cease-fire, Great Britain cannot guarantee that an evacuation will be possible, Reuters reported.

At the same time, France announced today that it has so far evacuated more than 900 citizens of its own and other countries from Sudan. The French Foreign Ministry said the French government has so far evacuated a total of 936 people from Sudan, including French, British, American, Canadian, Ethiopian, Dutch, Italian and Swedish nationals.

The Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) agreed on a 72-hour ceasefire from midnight Monday to Tuesday.

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) announced that the US and Saudi Arabia had brokered a ceasefire deal, and that the ceasefire was being used to evacuate foreign nationals from Sudan.

The armed struggle for power between the Sudanese army and the RSF broke out on April 15.

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