Survey looks into attitudes on EU, NATO, Kosovo, and Crimea

53 percent of Serbians believe the country should continue with EU integration even after Britain's departure from the Union.

Izvor: Blic

Tuesday, 26.07.2016.


Survey looks into attitudes on EU, NATO, Kosovo, and Crimea

Survey looks into attitudes on EU, NATO, Kosovo, and Crimea

The poll, done in the first half of July, will be presented on Thursday, July 28.

The results indicate that, in the wake of the British EU referendum, Serbian citizens are more supportive of Germany's EU policy than they are of the UK's, Tanjug reported.

Half of those who took part in the poll believe that the economic situation is better in the EU, with as many convinced that respect for human rights and freedoms is on a higher level in the EU. Despite this, 49 percent of respondents said they believe the Russian societal model suits Serbia.

Only 9.8 percent of young people aged 18 to 29 backed Serbia joining NATO, while this figure grew to 13.2 percent among those aged over 60.

80 percent of respondents said Kosovo should never be recognized as independent, "even if that is a condition for EU membership."

The daily also said in its report that "almost half of all respondents, 29 percent," think Crimea should be recognized as a part of Russia, while the figure was 59 percent among those aged 18-29.

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