Serbian peacekeepers leave for Central African Republic

A farewell ceremony for the Serbian Army (VS) contingent departing to serve in the UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic was held in Belgrade.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 12.06.2015.


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Serbian peacekeepers leave for Central African Republic

Gasic said on the occasion that the VS is proud of its members who get the highest marks and decorations for their work and sacrifice in peacekeeping missions.

Contingent Commander Colonel Goran Radosavljevic stated that the peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic has 72 members, adding that 68 are deployed in a field hospital.
The VS mission in the country started on September 20, 2014. At first, two by two observers and staff officers were sent, and on December 11 another 68 peacekeepers were deployed.

Serbian "blue helmets" who have been engaged in the mission since early May have been honored with medals for service in the UN.

Members of the VS and the Defense Ministry also participate in UN peacekeeping missions in Congo, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Middle East, Lebanon and Cyprus, and in multinational operations of the EU in Somalia and Mali.

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