Austria "to continue supporting Serbia's EU path"

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann stated on Thursday that his country "will remain a strong and reliable partner to Serbia on its European Union path."

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 19.06.2014.


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Austria "to continue supporting Serbia's EU path"

After the talks with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, Faymann said that lessons must be drawn from the past and that various important dates connected to World War I, the 100th anniversary of which is being marked this year, and World War II and clashes in the territory of former Yugoslavia "show that a joint peaceful Europe is a necessity."

"War and violence never solved conflicts and this is why close cooperation in all areas in the region bears crucial importance," Faymann said who came to Belgrade together with Austrian Defense Minister Gerald Klug.

Asked about his expectations as to Serbia's EU membership, Faymann said that he cannot specify the likelihood of the goal being achieved by the dates the prime minister mentioned in public, i.e. the years of 2019 and 2020, but he said that Austria would remain Serbia's strong partner on the path.

”We have always supported Western Balkan countries on their path toward the EU and joint Europe. This is a consistent part of our policy,” Faymann said.

He expressed the belief that one country's competitiveness is created through conditions such as rule of law, fight against corruption and political credibility, but he added that investments are also needed because a policy of savings and budget reduction cannot create new jobs on its own.

The Austrian chancellor expressed gratitude to Vučić "for open talks on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo as well as economic development and mutual economic ties."

Serbia wants to have the closest possible ties with Austria because most investments in Serbia come from Austria, and we expect even more to arrive,Vučić said told a joint press conference.

"Serbia wants to learn from Austrian investors how to have a successful economy and investors who will invest in Austria," he stated.

"I am certain that the entrepreneurial spirit cannot die in Serbia," Vučić said.

Vučić added that Serbia "also wants good political ties with Austria," but noted that the meeting mostly focused on the economy and Serbia's European pathway.

"Serbia will do everything, despite the fact that we face problems on a daily basis that sometimes might seem to be causing delays in fulfilment of obligations, but we will keep fulfilling our obligations on our European pathway," Vučić said, adding that he discussed this with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during his recent visit to Berlin.

Vučić said that he also discussed with Faymann the negotiating chapters 23 and 24, noting that Serbia has much to change in terms of the rule of law.

"It is a prerequisite for a better economy and attracting more investors. We must be more competitive - better than the rest of the region - in order to attract investors," the Serbian prime minister said.

Vučić thanked the Austrian chancellor for regarding Serbia as a significant partner in the Western Balkans, adding that Serbia will continue to be a factor of stability in the region.

As announced in Vienna, Faymann and Klug will travel to Bosnia-Herzegovina after Belgrade.

On Friday, the Austrian chancellor will go to Priština to visit soldiers from the Austrian KFOR, and end his Balkan tour in Brdo pri Kranju in Slovenia on the same day, by meeting with prime ministers of Slovenia and Croatia Alenka Bratusek and Zoran Milanović.

In early June, Vučić paid an official visit to Vienna, during which he met with Austrian President Heinz Fischer, Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger, and Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.

Due to previous commitments and absence from Vienna, Faymann did not have the opportunity to receive his Serbian counterpart during the visit.

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