Serbia abstains from voting on Ukraine resolution

Serbian representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) abstained from voting on a resolution on the situation in Ukraine.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 10.04.2014.


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Serbia abstains from voting on Ukraine resolution

The resolution also states that the Council of Europe does not recognize "the illegal Russian annexation of Crimea."

“The drive for secession and integration into the Russian Federation was instigated and incited by the Russian authorities, under the cover of a military intervention," stated the text.

PACE went on to say that it "fully recognizes the legitimacy of the new authorities in Kiev" as well as "the legality of their decisions."

PACE today suspended voting rights of the Russian delegation.

Russia said earlier in did not plan to reconsider its principles and foreign policy after the resolution was passed that puts all the blame for the Ukrainian crisis on Moscow, RT reported.

“This organization has passed quite a few resolutions. Let’s not exaggerate their meaning. If the majority of the assembly considers that Russia is incompatible with the principles of the Council of Europe – they should first see how compatible they are," said Aleksei Pushkov, head of the Russian delegation.

In Belgrade, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić said as he met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin that Serbia maintains its neutral position with respect to Ukraine.

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