Croatia gives weapons to Kurds in Iraq

Croatia's government, at the request of the United States, has decided to give surplus weapons to Kurds in Iraq free of charge.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 22.08.2014.


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Croatia gives weapons to Kurds in Iraq

The Croatian government made the decision on Thursday during the closed part of its meeting, and as the newspaper learned, the donation concerns infantry weapons and ammunition that will end up in the hands of the Iraqi army and the Kurds as they fight against "the bloodthirsty members of the Islamic State group."

The United States have asked all NATO members to offer this kind of assistance and "a part stockpiles collected in this way will be given to the Iraqi army and the Kurds in northern Iraq."

Since Croatia has had weapons surpluses "since the end of the last war in the former Yugoslavia," it decided to support the Iraqi Kurds who are mostly armed with weapons from the former USSR - "so they will find the Croatian arms compatible."

In this way, writes the daily, Croatia has joined "a group of countries that have decided to assist in the defense of Iraq."

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